* * Oh, and before I forget... * ________ __________ __ ____ __ ______ * / ____/ / / / ____/ //_/ / __ \/ / / / __ \ * / /_ / / / / / / ,< / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / with * / __/ / /_/ / /___/ /| | / ____/ __ / ____/ a * /_/ \____/\____/_/ |_| /_/ /_/ /_/_/ cactus! * * Thanks for listening. */ $notemplate = true; include_once 'config.php'; ?> Installation


multi_query($sql_str)) { ?>

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten

error; ?>

Schritt 1: Login Daten

The passwords did not match

"; goto hell; // the goto keyword was introduced in PHP 5.3... so why don't use it? } $sql_str = "INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('sitename', '" . $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['sitename']) . "'); " . "INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('username', '" . $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['username']) . "'); " . "INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('password', '" . $sql->real_escape_string(crypt_password($_POST['password'], gen_salt(22))) . "'); " . "INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('recent_public', 'false'); " . "INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('recent_count', '5');"; if (!$sql->multi_query($sql_str)) { ?>

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten

error; ?>

Schritt 3: Viel Spaß!

Bitte lösche nun die install.php

Schritt 0: Klick auf den Button um zu starten!