connect_errno) { echo ''; } // some useful functions function gen_salt($length, $charset='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') { $str = ''; $count = strlen($charset); while ($length--) { $str .= $charset[mt_rand(0, $count-1)]; } return $str; } function crypt_password ($pass, $salt) { return crypt($pass, "$2y$08$" . $salt); } // the session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['logged_in'])) { $_SESSION['logged_in'] = false; } if (!isset($notemplate)) { require_once 'ext/rain.tpl.class.php'; raintpl::configure("path_replace", false); raintpl::configure("tpl_dir", "views/"); $tpl = new RainTPL; // new words counter $new_words_count = -1; if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] === true) { $res = $sql->query("SELECT `id` FROM `words` WHERE `new` = 1;"); $new_words_count = $res->num_rows; } // total words count $res = $sql->query("SELECT `id` FROM `words`;"); $words_total_count = $res->num_rows * 3; // site name $res = $sql->query("SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `key` = \"sitename\";")->fetch_assoc(); $site_name = htmlspecialchars($res['value']); // user name $res = $sql->query("SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `key` = \"username\";")->fetch_assoc(); $user_name = htmlspecialchars($res['value']); // the flash $message = null; if (isset($_SESSION['flash'])) { $message = $_SESSION['flash']; unset($_SESSION['flash']); } $tpl->assign("logged_in", $_SESSION['logged_in']); $tpl->assign("site_name", $site_name); $tpl->assign("user_name", $user_name); $tpl->assign("words_total", $words_total_count); $tpl->assign("inbox_count", $new_words_count); $tpl->assign("message", $message); }