* * Oh, and before I forget... * ________ __________ __ ____ __ ______ * / ____/ / / / ____/ //_/ / __ \/ / / / __ \ * / /_ / / / / / / ,< / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / with * / __/ / /_/ / /___/ /| | / ____/ __ / ____/ a * /_/ \____/\____/_/ |_| /_/ /_/ /_/_/ cactus! * * Thanks for listening. */ include_once 'config.php'; function check_privileges($ajax = false) { if (!$_SESSION['logged_in']) { if ($ajax) { header('Content-Type: application/javascript'); echo json_encode(array("success" => false)); } else { $_SESSION['flash'] = "Log in to continue."; header('Location: ucp.php?page=login'); } exit(); } } switch ($_GET['page']) { case "ajax": { check_privileges(true); header('Content-Type: application/javascript'); $response = array("success" => false); switch ($_GET['action']) { case "delete-word": { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; if ($sql->query("DELETE FROM `words` WHERE `id`=" . $id . ";")) { $response["success"] = true; } } } break; } } echo json_encode($response); break; } case "login": { if ($_SESSION['logged_in']) { $_SESSION['flash'] = "You're already logged in."; header('Location: ucp.php'); exit(); } if (!isset($_POST['login'])) { $tpl->draw("login"); } else { $res = $sql->query("SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `key` = \"username\";")->fetch_assoc(); $username = $res['value']; $res = $sql->query("SELECT `value` FROM `config` WHERE `key` = \"password\";")->fetch_assoc(); $password = $res['value']; $post_pass = crypt($_POST['password'], $password); if (($_POST['username'] === $username) && ($post_pass === $password)) { // successful login $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true; $_SESSION['flash'] = "You are now logged in."; header('Location: ucp.php'); exit(); } else { // failed login $_SESSION['flash'] = "Wrong user name or password"; header('Location: ucp.php?page=login'); exit(); } } break; } case "logout": { check_privileges(); session_destroy(); session_start(); $_SESSION['flash'] = "Sucessfully logged out"; header('Location: index.php'); exit(); break; } case "settings": { check_privileges(); if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { $tpl->draw("settings"); } else { switch ($_POST['action']) { case "generic": { if (isset($_POST['sitename'])) { $sql->query("UPDATE `config` SET `value`='" . $sql->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['sitename'])) . "' WHERE `key`='sitename'"); } if (isset($_POST['recent_check'])) { $sql->query("UPDATE `config` SET `value`='true' WHERE `key`='recent_public'"); } else { $sql->query("UPDATE `config` SET `value`='false' WHERE `key`='recent_public'"); } if (isset($_POST['recent_count'])) { if (is_numeric($_POST['recent_count'])) { $sql->query("UPDATE `config` SET `value`='" . (int) $_POST['recent_count'] . "' WHERE `key`='recent_count'"); } } $_SESSION['flash'] = "Successfully saved changes."; header('Location: ucp.php?page=settings'); exit(); break; } case "password": { if (isset($_POST['password_change']) && isset($_POST['password_verify'])) { if ($_POST['password_change'] === $_POST['password_verify']) { if (strlen($_POST['password_change']) > 3) { $sql->query("UPDATE `config` SET `value`='" . $sql->real_escape_string(crypt_password($_POST['password_change'], gen_salt(22))) . "' WHERE `key`='password';"); $_SESSION['flash'] = "Successfully changed password."; header('Location: ucp.php?page=settings'); exit(); } } } $_SESSION['flash'] = "The passwords did not match or your password is shorter than 3 characters."; header('Location: ucp.php?page=settings'); exit(); break; } default: { $tpl->draw("settings"); } } } break; } case "inbox": default: { check_privileges(); $sql_str = "SELECT `id`, `word1`, `word2`, `word3`, `author`, `new` FROM `words` ORDER BY `id` DESC;"; $res = $sql->query($sql_str); $words = array(); while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($words, array( "id" => $r['id'], "word1" => $r['word1'], "word2" => $r['word2'], "word3" => $r['word3'], "author" => $r['author'], "new" => ($r['new'] == 1 ? true : false) )); } $sql_str = "UPDATE `words` SET `new` = 0;"; $sql->query($sql_str); $tpl->assign("words", $words); $tpl->draw("inbox"); } }