-- INFO: Stats must be activated, so that it can collect all members of a group and save his/her id to redis. -- You can deactivate it afterwards. local notify = {} function notify:init(config) notify.triggers = { "^/notify (del)$", "^/notify$" } notify.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[notify* (del): Benachrichtigt dich privat, wenn du erwähnt wirst (bzw. schaltet das Feature wieder aus)]] end notify.command = 'notify [del]' -- See https://stackoverflow.com/a/32854917 function isWordFoundInString(word,input) return select(2,input:gsub('^' .. word .. '%W+','')) + select(2,input:gsub('%W+' .. word .. '$','')) + select(2,input:gsub('^' .. word .. '$','')) + select(2,input:gsub('%W+' .. word .. '%W+','')) > 0 end function notify:pre_process(msg) local notify_users = redis:smembers('notify:ls') -- I call this beautiful lady the "if soup" if msg.chat.type == 'group' or msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then if msg.text then for _,user in pairs(notify_users) do if isWordFoundInString('@'..user, string.lower(msg.text)) then local chat_id = msg.chat.id local id = redis:hget('notify:'..user, 'id') -- check, if user has sent at least one message to the group, -- so that we don't send the user some private text, when he/she is not -- in the group. if redis:sismember('chat:'..chat_id..':users', id) then -- ignore message, if user is mentioning him/herself if id ~= tostring(msg.from.id) then local send_date = run_command('date -d @'..msg.date..' +"<i>%d.%m.%Y</i> | 🕒 <i>%H:%M:%S Uhr</i>"') local send_date = string.gsub(send_date, "\n", "") local from = string.gsub(msg.from.name, "%_", " ") local chat_name = string.gsub(msg.chat.title, "%_", " ") local text = '🔔 <b>'..utilities.html_escape(from)..'</b> hat dich erwähnt:' local text = text..'\n👥 <b>'..utilities.html_escape(chat_name)..'</b> | 📅 '..send_date..'\n\n'..utilities.html_escape(msg.text) utilities.send_message(id, text, true, false, 'HTML') end end end end end end return msg end function notify:action(msg, config, matches) if not msg.from.username then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Du hast keinen Usernamen und kannst daher dieses Feature nicht nutzen. Tut mir leid!' ) return end local username = string.lower(msg.from.username) local hash = 'notify:'..username if matches[1] == "del" then if not redis:sismember('notify:ls', username) then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Du wirst noch gar nicht benachrichtigt!') return end print('Setting notify in redis hash '..hash..' to false') redis:hset(hash, 'notify', false) print('Removing '..username..' from redis set notify:ls') redis:srem('notify:ls', username) utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Du erhältst jetzt keine Benachrichtigungen mehr, wenn du angesprochen wirst.') return else if redis:sismember('notify:ls', username) then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Du wirst schon benachrichtigt!') return end print('Setting notify in redis hash '..hash..' to true') redis:hset(hash, 'notify', true) print('Setting id in redis hash '..hash..' to '..msg.from.id) redis:hset(hash, 'id', msg.from.id) print('Adding '..username..' to redis set notify:ls') redis:sadd('notify:ls', username) local res = utilities.send_message(msg.from.id, 'Du erhältst jetzt Benachrichtigungen, wenn du angesprochen wirst. Nutze `/notify del` zum Deaktivieren.', true, nil, true) if not res then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Bitte schreibe mir [privat](http://telegram.me/' .. self.info.username .. '?start=notify), um den Vorgang abzuschließen.', true) elseif msg.chat.type ~= 'private' then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Du erhältst jetzt Benachrichtigungen, wenn du angesprochen wirst. Nutze `/notify del` zum Deaktivieren.', true) end end end return notify