local leave_group = {} leave_group.triggers = { '^//tgservice group_chat_created$', '^//tgservice supergroup_chat_created$' } local report_to_admin = true -- set to false to not be notified, when Bot leaves groups without you function leave_group:check_for_admin(msg, self, config) local result = bindings.request(self, 'getChatMember', { chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = config.admin } ) if not result.ok then print('Konnte nicht prüfen, ob Admin in Gruppe ist! Verlasse sie sicherheitshalber...') return false end if result.result.status ~= "member" and result.result.status ~= "administrator" and result.result.status ~= "creator" then return false else return true end end function leave_group:action(msg) if not is_service_msg(msg) then return end -- Bad attempt at trolling! local admin_in_group = leave_group:check_for_admin(msg, self, config) if not admin_in_group then print('Admin ist nicht in der Gruppe, verlasse sie deshalb...') utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Dieser Bot wurde in eine fremde Gruppe hinzugefügt. Dies wird gemeldet!\nThis bot was added to foreign group. This incident will be reported!') local result = bindings.request(self, 'leaveChat', { chat_id = msg.chat.id } ) local chat_name = msg.chat.title local chat_id = msg.chat.id local from = msg.from.name local from_id = msg.from.id if report_to_admin then utilities.send_message(self, config.admin, '#WARNUNG: Bot wurde in fremde Gruppe hinzugefügt:\nGruppenname: '..chat_name..' ('..chat_id..')\nHinzugefügt von: '..from..' ('..from_id..')') end end end return leave_group