local danbooru = {} function danbooru:init(config) danbooru.triggers = { "^/dan$", "^/dan (d)$", "^/dan (w)$", "^/dan (m)$", "^/(dan) (.+)$", "(danbooru.donmai.us)/posts/([0-9]+)" } danbooru.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[dan*: Zufälliges Bild von Danbooru *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[dan* __: Zufälliges Bild von Danbooru (populär heute/in der Woche/im Monat) *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[dan* __: Sucht auf Danbooru mit diesen Tags ]] end danbooru.command = 'dan ' local BASE_URL = "http://danbooru.donmai.us" local URL_NEW = "/posts.json" local URL_POP = "/explore/posts/popular.json" local scale_day = "?scale=day" local scale_week = "?scale=week" local scale_month = "?scale=month" function danbooru:get_post(url) local res, code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return nil end local posts = json.decode(res) if not posts[1] then return nil end return posts[math.random(#posts)] end function danbooru:get_specific_post(id) local url = BASE_URL..'/posts/'..id..'.json' local res, code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return nil end local db = json.decode(res) local link_image = BASE_URL..db.file_url return link_image end function danbooru:action(msg, config, matches) if matches[1] == 'danbooru.donmai.us' and matches[2] then local url = danbooru:get_specific_post(matches[2]) if not url then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.connection) return end utilities.send_typing(self, msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local file = download_to_file(url) if string.ends(url, ".gif") or string.ends(url, ".zip") or string.ends(url, ".webm") then utilities.send_document(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) else utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end return end if matches[1] == "d" or matches[1] == "w" or matches[1] == "m" then url = BASE_URL..URL_POP else url = BASE_URL..URL_NEW end if matches[1] == "d" then url = url..scale_day elseif matches[1] == "w" then url = url..scale_week elseif matches[1] == "m" then url = url..scale_month elseif matches[1] == "dan" and matches[2] then local tag = string.gsub(matches[2], " ", '_' ) local tag = string.gsub(tag, ":", '%%3A' ) url = url..'?tags='..tag end local post = danbooru:get_post(url) if post then local download_url = BASE_URL..post.large_file_url utilities.send_typing(self, msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local img = download_to_file(download_url) if string.ends(download_url, ".gif") or string.ends(download_url, ".zip") or string.ends(download_url, ".webm") then utilities.send_document(self, msg.chat.id, img, nil, msg.message_id) else utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, img, nil, msg.message_id) end local txt = '' if post.tag_string_artist ~= '' then txt = 'Artist: ' .. post.tag_string_artist .. '\n' end if post.tag_string_character ~= '' then txt = txt .. 'Charakter: ' .. post.tag_string_character .. '\n' end if post.file_size ~= '' then txt = txt .. '[' .. math.ceil(post.file_size/1000) .. 'kb] ' .. BASE_URL .. post.file_url end if txt ~= '' then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, txt) end return else utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.results) return end end return danbooru