-- utilities.lua -- Functions shared among plugins. local utilities = {} local HTTP = require('socket.http') local ltn12 = require('ltn12') local HTTPS = require('ssl.https') local URL = require('socket.url') local JSON = require('dkjson') local bindings = require('bindings') -- get the indexed word in a string function utilities.get_word(s, i) s = s or '' i = i or 1 local t = {} for w in s:gmatch('%g+') do table.insert(t, w) end return t[i] or false end -- Like get_word(), but better. -- Returns the actual index. function utilities.index(s) local t = {} for w in s:gmatch('%g+') do table.insert(t, w) end return t end -- Returns the string after the first space. function utilities.input(s) if not s:find(' ') then return false end return s:sub(s:find(' ')+1) end -- I swear, I copied this from PIL, not yago! :) function utilities.trim(str) -- Trims whitespace from a string. local s = str:gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') return s end local lc_list = { -- Latin = 'Cyrillic' ['A'] = 'А', ['B'] = 'В', ['C'] = 'С', ['E'] = 'Е', ['I'] = 'І', ['J'] = 'Ј', ['K'] = 'К', ['M'] = 'М', ['H'] = 'Н', ['O'] = 'О', ['P'] = 'Р', ['S'] = 'Ѕ', ['T'] = 'Т', ['X'] = 'Х', ['Y'] = 'Ү', ['a'] = 'а', ['c'] = 'с', ['e'] = 'е', ['i'] = 'і', ['j'] = 'ј', ['o'] = 'о', ['s'] = 'ѕ', ['x'] = 'х', ['y'] = 'у', ['!'] = 'ǃ' } -- Replaces letters with corresponding Cyrillic characters. function utilities.latcyr(str) for k,v in pairs(lc_list) do str = str:gsub(k, v) end return str end -- Loads a JSON file as a table. function utilities.load_data(filename) local f = io.open(filename) if not f then return {} end local s = f:read('*all') f:close() local data = JSON.decode(s) return data end -- Saves a table to a JSON file. function utilities.save_data(filename, data) local s = JSON.encode(data) local f = io.open(filename, 'w') f:write(s) f:close() end -- Gets coordinates for a location. Used by gMaps.lua, time.lua, weather.lua. function utilities:get_coords(input) local url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' .. URL.escape(input) local jstr, res = HTTP.request(url) if res ~= 200 then return self.config.errors.connection end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) if jdat.status == 'ZERO_RESULTS' then return self.config.errors.results end return { lat = jdat.results[1].geometry.location.lat, lon = jdat.results[1].geometry.location.lng } end -- Get the number of values in a key/value table. function utilities.table_size(tab) local i = 0 for _,_ in pairs(tab) do i = i + 1 end return i end -- Just an easy way to get a user's full name. function utilities.build_name(first, last) if last then return first .. ' ' .. last else return first end end function utilities:resolve_username(input) input = input:gsub('^@', '') for _,v in pairs(self.database.users) do if v.username and v.username:lower() == input:lower() then return v end end end function utilities:user_from_message(msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text_lower) local target = {} if msg.reply_to_message then target = msg.reply_to_message.from elseif input and tonumber(input) then target.id = tonumber(input) if self.database.users[input] then for k,v in pairs(self.database.users[input]) do target[k] = v end end elseif input and input:match('^@') then local uname = input:gsub('^@', '') for _,v in pairs(self.database.users) do if v.username and uname == v.username:lower() then for key, val in pairs(v) do target[key] = val end end end if not target.id then target.err = 'Sorry, I don\'t recognize that username.' end else target.err = 'Please specify a user via reply, ID, or username.' end if target.id then target.id_str = tostring(target.id) end if not target.first_name then target.first_name = 'User' end target.name = utilities.build_name(target.first_name, target.last_name) return target end function utilities:handle_exception(err, message) if not err then err = '' end local output = '\n[' .. os.date('%F %T', os.time()) .. ']\n' .. self.info.username .. ': ' .. err .. '\n' .. message .. '\n' if self.config.log_chat then output = '```' .. output .. '```' bindings.sendMessage(self, self.config.log_chat, output, true, nil, true) else print(output) end end -- Okay, this one I actually did copy from yagop. -- https://github.com/yagop/telegram-bot/blob/master/bot/utils.lua function utilities.download_file(url, filename) local respbody = {} local options = { url = url, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), redirect = true } local response if url:match('^https') then options.redirect = false response = { HTTPS.request(options) } else response = { HTTP.request(options) } end local code = response[2] local headers = response[3] local status = response[4] if code ~= 200 then return false end filename = filename or '/tmp/' .. os.time() local file = io.open(filename, 'w+') file:write(table.concat(respbody)) file:close() return filename end function utilities.markdown_escape(text) text = text:gsub('_', '\\_') text = text:gsub('%[', '\\[') text = text:gsub('%]', '\\]') text = text:gsub('%*', '\\*') text = text:gsub('`', '\\`') return text end utilities.md_escape = utilities.markdown_escape utilities.INVOCATION_PATTERN = '/' utilities.triggers_meta = {} utilities.triggers_meta.__index = utilities.triggers_meta function utilities.triggers_meta:t(pattern, has_args) local username = self.username:lower() table.insert(self.table, '^'..utilities.INVOCATION_PATTERN..pattern..'$') table.insert(self.table, '^'..utilities.INVOCATION_PATTERN..pattern..'@'..username..'$') if has_args then table.insert(self.table, '^'..utilities.INVOCATION_PATTERN..pattern..'%s+[^%s]*') table.insert(self.table, '^'..utilities.INVOCATION_PATTERN..pattern..'@'..username..'%s+[^%s]*') end return self end function utilities.triggers(username, trigger_table) local self = setmetatable({}, utilities.triggers_meta) self.username = username self.table = trigger_table or {} return self end function utilities.with_http_timeout(timeout, fun) local original = HTTP.TIMEOUT HTTP.TIMEOUT = timeout fun() HTTP.TIMEOUT = original end function utilities.enrich_user(user) user.id_str = tostring(user.id) user.name = utilities.build_name(user.first_name, user.last_name) return user end function utilities.enrich_message(msg) if not msg.text then msg.text = msg.caption or '' end msg.text_lower = msg.text:lower() msg.from = utilities.enrich_user(msg.from) msg.chat.id_str = tostring(msg.chat.id) if msg.reply_to_message then if not msg.reply_to_message.text then msg.reply_to_message.text = msg.reply_to_message.caption or '' end msg.reply_to_message.text_lower = msg.reply_to_message.text:lower() msg.reply_to_message.from = utilities.enrich_user(msg.reply_to_message.from) msg.reply_to_message.chat.id_str = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.chat.id) end if msg.forward_from then msg.forward_from = utilities.enrich_user(msg.forward_from) end if msg.new_chat_participant then msg.new_chat_participant = utilities.enrich_user(msg.new_chat_participant) end if msg.left_chat_participant then msg.left_chat_participant = utilities.enrich_user(msg.left_chat_participant) end return msg end function utilities.pretty_float(x) if x % 1 == 0 then return tostring(math.floor(x)) else return tostring(x) end end return utilities