-- Put this on the bottom of your plugin list, after help.lua. -- If you want to configure your own greetings, copy the following table -- (without the "config.") to your config.lua file. if not config.greetings then config.greetings = { ['Hello, #NAME.'] = { 'hello', 'hey', 'sup', 'hi', 'good morning', 'good day', 'good afternoon', 'good evening' }, ['Goodbye, #NAME.'] = { 'bye', 'later', 'see ya', 'good night' }, ['Welcome back, #NAME.'] = { 'i\'m home', 'i\'m back' }, ['You\'re welcome, #NAME.'] = { 'thanks', 'thank you' } } end local triggers = { bot.first_name .. '%p*$' } local action = function(msg) local nick = database.users[msg.from.id_str].nickname or msg.from.first_name for k,v in pairs(config.greetings) do for key,val in pairs(v) do if msg.text_lower:match(val..',? '..bot.first_name) then sendMessage(msg.chat.id, latcyr(k:gsub('#NAME', nick))) return end end end return true end return { action = action, triggers = triggers }