local app_store = {} app_store.triggers = { "itunes.apple.com/(.*)/app/(.*)/id(%d+)", "^/[Ii][Tt][Uu][Nn][Ee][Ss] (%d+)$", "itunes.apple.com/app/id(%d+)" } local BASE_URL = 'https://itunes.apple.com/lookup' local makeOurDate = function(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T" local year, month, day = dateString:match(pattern) return day..'.'..month..'.'..year end function app_store:get_appstore_data() local url = BASE_URL..'/?id='..appid..'&country=de' local res,code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP-FEHLER" end local data = json.decode(res).results[1] if data == nil then return 'NOTFOUND' end if data.wrapperType ~= 'software' then return nil end return data end function app_store:send_appstore_data(data) -- Header local name = data.trackName local author = data.sellerName local price = data.formattedPrice local version = data.version -- Body local description = string.sub(unescape(data.description), 1, 150) .. '...' local min_ios_ver = data.minimumOsVersion local size = string.gsub(round(data.fileSizeBytes / 1000000, 2), "%.", ",") -- wtf Apple, it's 1024, not 1000! local release = makeOurDate(data.releaseDate) if data.isGameCenterEnabled then game_center = '\nUnterstützt Game Center' else game_center = '' end local category_count = #data.genres if category_count == 1 then category = '\nKategorie: '..data.genres[1] else local category_loop = '\nKategorien: ' for v in pairs(data.genres) do if v < category_count then category_loop = category_loop..data.genres[v]..', ' else category_loop = category_loop..data.genres[v] end end category = category_loop end -- Footer if data.averageUserRating and data.userRatingCount then avg_rating = 'Bewertung: '..string.gsub(data.averageUserRating, "%.", ",")..' Sterne ' ratings = 'von '..comma_value(data.userRatingCount)..' Bewertungen' else avg_rating = "" ratings = "" end local header = ''..name..' v'..version..' von '..author..' ('..price..'):' local body = '\n'..description..'\nBenötigt mind. iOS '..min_ios_ver..'\nGröße: '..size..' MB\nErstveröffentlicht am '..release..game_center..category local footer = '\n'..avg_rating..ratings local text = header..body..footer -- Picture if data.screenshotUrls[1] and data.ipadScreenshotUrls[1] then image_url = data.screenshotUrls[1] elseif data.screenshotUrls[1] and not data.ipadScreenshotUrls[1] then image_url = data.screenshotUrls[1] elseif not data.screenshotUrls[1] and data.ipadScreenshotUrls[1] then image_url = data.ipadScreenshotUrls[1] else image_url = nil end return text, image_url end function app_store:action(msg, config, matches) if not matches[3] then appid = matches[1] else appid = matches[3] end local data = app_store:get_appstore_data() if data == nil then print('Das Appstore-Plugin unterstützt nur Apps!') end if data == 'HTTP-FEHLER' or data == 'NOTFOUND' then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'App nicht gefunden!', 'HTML') return else local output, image_url = app_store:send_appstore_data(data) utilities.send_reply(msg, output, 'HTML') if image_url then utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local file = download_to_file(image_url) utilities.send_photo(msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end end end return app_store