local command = 'whoami' local doc = [[``` Returns user and chat info for you or the replied-to message. Alias: /who ```]] local triggers = { '^/who[ami]*[@'..bot.username..']*$' } local action = function(msg) if msg.reply_to_message then msg = msg.reply_to_message end local from_name = msg.from.first_name if msg.from.last_name then from_name = from_name .. ' ' .. msg.from.last_name end if msg.from.username then from_name = '@' .. msg.from.username .. ', AKA ' .. from_name end from_name = from_name .. ' (' .. msg.from.id .. ')' local to_name if msg.chat.title then to_name = msg.chat.title .. ' (' .. math.abs(msg.chat.id) .. ').' else to_name = '@' .. bot.username .. ', AKA ' .. bot.first_name .. ' (' .. bot.id .. ').' end local message = 'You are ' .. from_name .. ' and you are messaging ' .. to_name if database.nicknames[msg.from.id_str] then message = message .. '\nYour nickname is ' .. database.nicknames[msg.from.id_str] .. '.' end sendReply(msg, message) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, doc = doc, command = command }