local youtube_dl = {} function youtube_dl:init(config) youtube_dl.triggers = { "^/(mp4) https?://w?w?w?%.?youtu.be/([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "^/(mp4) https?://w?w?w?m?%.?youtube.com/embed/([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "^/(mp4) https?://w?w?w?m?%.?youtube.com/watch%?v=([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "^/(mp3) https?://w?w?w?m?%.?youtu.be/([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "^/(mp3) https?://w?w?w?m?%.?youtube.com/embed/([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "^/(mp3) https?://w?w?w?m?%.?youtube.com/watch%?v=([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)" } youtube_dl.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[mp3* __: Lädt Audio von YouTube *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[mp4* __: Lädt Video von YouTube ]] end youtube_dl.command = 'mp3 , /mp4 ' function youtube_dl:get_availabe_formats(id, hash) local ytdl_json = io.popen('youtube-dl -j https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v='..id):read('*all') if not ytdl_json then return end local data = json.decode(ytdl_json) if not data then return nil end local available_formats = {} redis:hset(hash, 'duration', data.duration) -- Building table with infos for n=1, #data.formats do local vid_format = data.formats[n].format local format_num = vid_format:match('^(%d+) ') local valid_nums = {['17'] = true, ['36'] = true, ['43'] = true, ['18'] = true, ['22'] = true} if not vid_format:match('DASH') and valid_nums[format_num] then -- We don't want DASH videos! local format_info = {} format_info.format = format_num local hash = hash..':'..format_num if format_num == '17' then format_info.pretty_format = '144p' elseif format_num == '36' then format_info.pretty_format = '180p' elseif format_num == '43' then format_info.pretty_format = '360p WebM' elseif format_num == '18' then format_info.pretty_format = '360p MP4' elseif format_num == '22' then format_info.pretty_format = '720p' end format_info.ext = data.formats[n].ext local url = data.formats[n].url local headers = get_http_header(url) local full_url = headers.location if not full_url then return end local headers = get_http_header(full_url) -- first was for 302, this get's use the size if headers.location then -- There are some videos where there is a "chain" of 302... repeat this, until we get the LAST url! repeat headers = get_http_header(headers.location) until not headers.location end format_info.url = full_url local size = tonumber(headers["content-length"]) format_info.size = size format_info.pretty_size = string.gsub(tostring(round(size / 1048576, 2)), '%.', ',')..' MB' -- 1048576 = 1024*1024 available_formats[#available_formats+1] = format_info redis:hset(hash, 'ext', format_info.ext) redis:hset(hash, 'format', format_info.pretty_format) redis:hset(hash, 'url', full_url) redis:hset(hash, 'size', size) redis:hset(hash, 'height', data.formats[n].height) redis:hset(hash, 'width', data.formats[n].width) redis:hset(hash, 'pretty_size', format_info.pretty_size) redis:expire(hash, 7889400) end end return available_formats end function youtube_dl:convert_audio(id) local output = io.popen('youtube-dl --max-filesize 49m -o "/tmp/%(title)s.%(ext)s" --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v='..id):read('*all') if string.match(output, '.* File is larger .*') then return 'TOOBIG' end local audio = string.match(output, '%[ffmpeg%] Destination: /tmp/(.*).mp3') return '/tmp/'..audio..'.mp3' end function youtube_dl:callback(callback, msg, self, config, input) utilities.answer_callback_query(callback, 'Informationen werden verarbeitet...') local video_id = input:match('(.+)@') local vid_format = input:match('@(%d+)') local hash = 'telegram:cache:youtube_dl:mp4:'..video_id local format_hash = hash..':'..vid_format if not redis:exists(format_hash) then youtube_dl:get_availabe_formats(video_id, hash) end local keyboard = redis:hget(hash, 'keyboard') local duration = redis:hget(hash, 'duration') local format_info = redis:hgetall(format_hash) local full_url = format_info.url local width = format_info.width local height = format_info.height local ext = format_info.ext local pretty_size = format_info.pretty_size local size = tonumber(format_info.size) local format = format_info.format local file = format_info.file_id if size > 52420000 then utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, msg.message_id, 'Direktlink zum Video ('..format..', '..pretty_size..')', nil, 'HTML', keyboard) return end utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, msg.message_id, 'Video wird hochgeladen', nil, 'HTML') utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'upload_video') if not file then file = download_to_file(full_url, video_id..'.'..ext) end if not file then return end local result = utilities.send_video(msg.chat.id, file, '('..format..')', msg.message_id, duration, width, height) utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, msg.message_id, 'Direktlink zum Video ('..format..', '..pretty_size..')', nil, 'HTML', keyboard) if not result then return end local file_id = result.result.video.file_id redis:hset(format_hash, 'file_id', file_id) end function youtube_dl:action(msg, config, matches) if msg.chat.type ~= 'private' then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Dieses Plugin kann nur im Privatchat benutzt werden') return end local id = matches[2] if matches[1] == 'mp4' then local hash = 'telegram:cache:youtube_dl:mp4:'..id local first_msg = utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Verfügbare Videoformate werden ausgelesen...', 'HTML') local callback_keyboard = redis:hget(hash, 'keyboard') if not callback_keyboard then utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'typing') local available_formats = youtube_dl:get_availabe_formats(id, hash) if not available_formats then utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, first_msg.result.message_id, config.errors.results) return end local callback_buttons = {} for n=1, #available_formats do local video = available_formats[n] local format = video.format local size = video.size local pretty_size = video.pretty_size if size > 52420000 then pretty_format = video.pretty_format..' ('..pretty_size..', nur Link)' else pretty_format = video.pretty_format..' ('..pretty_size..')' end local button = '{"text":"'..pretty_format..'","callback_data":"youtube_dl:'..id..'@'..format..'"}' callback_buttons[#callback_buttons+1] = button end local keyboard = '{"inline_keyboard":[' for button in pairs(callback_buttons) do keyboard = keyboard..'['..callback_buttons[button]..']' if button < #callback_buttons then keyboard = keyboard..',' end end callback_keyboard = keyboard..']}' redis:hset(hash, 'keyboard', callback_keyboard) redis:expire(hash, 7889400) end utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, first_msg.result.message_id, 'Wähle die gewünschte Auflösung.', nil, nil, callback_keyboard) return end if matches[1] == 'mp3' then local first_msg = utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Audio wird heruntergeladen...', 'HTML') utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'upload_audio') local file = youtube_dl:convert_audio(id) if file == 'TOOBIG' then utilities.edit_message(msg.chat.id, first_msg.result.message_id, 'Die MP3 überschreitet die Grenze von 50 MB!', nil, 'HTML') return end utilities.send_audio(msg.chat.id, file, msg.message_id) return end end return youtube_dl