local pixabay = {} function pixabay:init(config) if not cred_data.pixabay_apikey then print('Missing config value: pixabay_apikey.') print('pixabay.lua will not be enabled.') return end pixabay.triggers = { "^/pix(id) (%d+)", "^/pix (.*)$", "(pixabay.com).*%-(%d+)" } pixabay.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[pix* __: Sendet lizenzfreies Bild]] end pixabay.command = 'pix ' local BASE_URL = 'https://pixabay.com/api' local apikey = cred_data.pixabay_apikey function pixabay:get_pixabay_directlink(id) local url = BASE_URL..'/?key='..apikey..'&lang=de&id='..id local b,c = https.request(url) if c ~= 200 then return nil end local data = json.decode(b) if data.totalHits == 0 then return 'NOPIX' end local webformatURL = data.hits[1].webformatURL local image_url = string.gsub(webformatURL, '_640.jpg', '_960.jpg') -- Link to full, high resolution image local preview_url = data.hits[1].previewURL local image_code = string.sub(preview_url, 59) local image_code = string.sub(image_code, 0, -9) local full_url = 'https://pixabay.com/de/photos/download/'..image_code..'.jpg' local user = data.hits[1].user local tags = data.hits[1].tags local page_url = data.hits[1].pageURL -- cache this shit local hash = 'telegram:cache:pixabay:'..id print('Caching data in '..hash..' with timeout 1209600') redis:hset(hash, 'image_url', image_url) redis:hset(hash, 'full_url', full_url) redis:hset(hash, 'page_url', page_url) redis:hset(hash, 'user', user) redis:hset(hash, 'tags', tags) redis:expire(hash, 1209600) -- 1209600 = two weeks return image_url, full_url, page_url, user, tags end function pixabay:get_pixabay(term) local count = 70 -- how many pictures should be returned (3 to 200) NOTE: more pictures = higher load time local url = BASE_URL..'/?key='..apikey..'&lang=de&safesearch=true&per_page='..count..'&image_type=photo&q='..term local b,c = https.request(url) if c ~= 200 then return nil end local photo = json.decode(b) if photo.totalHits == 0 then return 'NOPIX' end local photos = photo.hits -- truly randomize math.randomseed(os.time()) -- random max json table size local i = math.random(#photos) local webformatURL = photos[i].webformatURL local image_url = string.gsub(webformatURL, '_640.jpg', '_960.jpg') -- Link to full, high resolution image local preview_url = photos[i].previewURL local image_code = string.sub(preview_url, 59) local image_code = string.sub(image_code, 0, -9) local full_url = 'https://pixabay.com/de/photos/download/'..image_code..'.jpg' local user = photos[i].user local tags = photos[i].tags local page_url = photos[i].pageURL return image_url, full_url, page_url, user, tags end function pixabay:action(msg, config, matches) local term = matches[1] if matches[2] then if redis:exists("telegram:cache:pixabay:"..matches[2]) == true then -- if cached local hash = 'telegram:cache:pixabay:'..matches[2] url = redis:hget(hash, 'image_url') full_url = redis:hget(hash, 'full_url') page_url = redis:hget(hash, 'page_url') user = redis:hget(hash, 'user') tags = redis:hget(hash, 'tags') else url, full_url, page_url, user, tags = pixabay:get_pixabay_directlink(matches[2]) end else url, full_url, page_url, user, tags = pixabay:get_pixabay(term) end if url == 'NOPIX' then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.results) return else utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local text = '"'..tags..'" von '..user utilities.send_photo(msg.chat.id, url, text, msg.message_id, '{"inline_keyboard":[[{"text":"Seite aufrufen","url":"'..page_url..'"},{"text":"Volles Bild (Login notwendig)","url":"'..full_url..'"}]]}') return end end return pixabay