--[[ administration.lua, version 1.13.1 This plugin provides self-hosted, single-realm group administration. It requires tg (http://github.com/vysheng/tg) with supergroup support. For more documentation, read the the manual (otou.to/rtfm). Copyright 2016 topkecleon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]]-- --[[ Recent changes 1.13 - Global banlist reinstated. Added default antiflood values to config. Bugfixes: Modding a user will no longer add him. Fixed kicks/bans in reply to join/leave notifications. 1.13.1 - Added optional target for kick/ban logs. Added flag 7 to use default log per group. This way, a realm can have a public kick/ban log but governors are able to opt out. Added flag 8, antilink. Kicks for Telegram join links which do not refer to groups within the realm. Added flag 9, modrights, to give moderators access to changing the group photo, title, link, and motd (config option is deprecated. RIP). /unban will reset the target's autokick counter. Added configuration for default flag settings. ]]-- local drua = require('otouto.drua-tg') local bindings = require('otouto.bindings') local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') local administration = {} function administration:init(config) -- Build the administration db if nonexistent. if not self.database.administration then self.database.administration = { admins = {}, groups = {}, activity = {}, autokick_timer = os.date('%d'), globalbans = {} } end administration.temp = { help = {}, flood = {} } drua.PORT = config.cli_port or 4567 administration.flags = administration.init_flags(config.cmd_pat) administration.init_command(self, config) -- Migration 3.13 -> 3.13.1 for _, group in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do for i = 7, 9 do if group.flags[i] == nil then group.flags[i] = config.administration.flags[i] end end group.antiflood = group.antiflood or {} for k, v in pairs(config.administration.antiflood) do group.antiflood[k] = group.antiflood[k] or config.administration.antiflood[k] end end -- End migration administration.doc = 'Returns a list of administrated groups.\nUse '..config.cmd_pat..'ahelp for more administrative commands.' administration.command = 'groups [query]' -- In the worst case, don't send errors in reply to random messages. administration.error = false -- Accept forwarded messages and messages from blacklisted users. administration.panoptic = true if not config.administration.log_chat then config.administration.log_chat = config.log_chat end end function administration.init_flags(cmd_pat) return { [1] = { name = 'unlisted', desc = 'Removes this group from the group listing.', short = 'This group is unlisted.', enabled = 'This group is no longer listed in '..cmd_pat..'groups.', disabled = 'This group is now listed in '..cmd_pat..'groups.' }, [2] = { name = 'antisquig', desc = 'Automatically removes users who post Arabic script or RTL characters.', short = 'This group does not allow Arabic script or RTL characters.', enabled = 'Users will now be removed automatically for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters.', disabled = 'Users will no longer be removed automatically for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters.', kicked = 'You were automatically kicked from #GROUPNAME for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters.' }, [3] = { name = 'antisquig++', desc = 'Automatically removes users whose names contain Arabic script or RTL characters.', short = 'This group does not allow users whose names contain Arabic script or RTL characters.', enabled = 'Users whose names contain Arabic script and/or RTL characters will now be removed automatically.', disabled = 'Users whose names contain Arabic script and/or RTL characters will no longer be removed automatically.', kicked = 'You were automatically kicked from #GROUPNAME for having a name which contains Arabic script and/or RTL characters.' }, [4] = { name = 'antibot', desc = 'Prevents the addition of bots by non-moderators.', short = 'This group does not allow users to add bots.', enabled = 'Non-moderators will no longer be able to add bots.', disabled = 'Non-moderators will now be able to add bots.' }, [5] = { name = 'antiflood', desc = 'Prevents flooding by rate-limiting messages per user.', short = 'This group automatically removes users who flood.', enabled = 'Users will now be removed automatically for excessive messages. Use '..cmd_pat..'antiflood to configure limits.', disabled = 'Users will no longer be removed automatically for excessive messages.', kicked = 'You were automatically kicked from #GROUPNAME for flooding.' }, [6] = { name = 'antihammer', desc = 'Allows globally banned users to enter this group. Note that users hammered in this group will also be banned locally.', short = 'This group does not acknowledge global bans.', enabled = 'This group will no longer remove users for being globally banned.', disabled = 'This group will now remove users for being globally banned.' }, [7] = { name = 'nokicklog', desc = 'Prevents kick/ban notifications for this group in the designated kick log.', short = 'This group does not provide a public kick log.', enabled = 'This group will no longer publicly log kicks and bans.', disabled = 'This group will now publicly log kicks and bans.' }, [8] = { name = 'antilink', desc = 'Automatically removes users who post Telegram links to outside groups.', short = 'This group does not allow posting join links to outside groups.', enabled = 'Users will now be removed automatically for posting outside join links.', disabled = 'Users will no longer be removed for posting outside join links.', kicked = 'You were automatically kicked from #GROUPNAME for posting an outside join link.' }, [9] = { name = 'modrights', desc = 'Allows moderators to set the group photo, title, motd, and link.', short = 'This group allows moderators to set the group photo, title, motd, and link.', enabled = 'Moderators will now be able to set the group photo, title, motd, and link.', disabled = 'Moderators will no longer be able to set the group photo, title, motd, and link.', } } end administration.ranks = { [0] = 'Banned', [1] = 'Users', [2] = 'Moderators', [3] = 'Governors', [4] = 'Administrators', [5] = 'Owner' } function administration:get_rank(user_id_str, chat_id_str, config) user_id_str = tostring(user_id_str) local user_id = tonumber(user_id_str) chat_id_str = tostring(chat_id_str) -- Return 5 if the user_id_str is the bot or its owner. if user_id == config.admin or user_id == self.info.id then return 5 end -- Return 4 if the user_id_str is an administrator. if self.database.administration.admins[user_id_str] then return 4 end if chat_id_str and self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str] then -- Return 3 if the user_id_str is the governor of the chat_id_str. if self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str].governor == user_id then return 3 -- Return 2 if the user_id_str is a moderator of the chat_id_str. elseif self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str].mods[user_id_str] then return 2 -- Return 0 if the user_id_str is banned from the chat_id_str. elseif self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str].bans[user_id_str] then return 0 -- Return 1 if antihammer is enabled. elseif self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str].flags[6] then return 1 end end -- Return 0 if the user_id_str is globally banned (and antihammer is not enabled). if self.database.administration.globalbans[user_id_str] then return 0 end -- Return 1 if the user_id_str is a regular user. return 1 end -- Returns an array of "user" tables. function administration:get_targets(msg, config) if msg.reply_to_message then local d = msg.reply_to_message.new_chat_member or msg.reply_to_message.left_chat_member or msg.reply_to_message.from local target = {} for k,v in pairs(d) do target[k] = v end target.name = utilities.build_name(target.first_name, target.last_name) target.id_str = tostring(target.id) target.rank = administration.get_rank(self, target.id, msg.chat.id, config) return { target }, utilities.input(msg.text) else local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if input then local t = {} for user in input:gmatch('%g+') do if self.database.users[user] then local target = {} for k,v in pairs(self.database.users[user]) do target[k] = v end target.name = utilities.build_name(target.first_name, target.last_name) target.id_str = tostring(target.id) target.rank = administration.get_rank(self, target.id, msg.chat.id, config) table.insert(t, target) elseif tonumber(user) then local id = math.abs(tonumber(user)) local target = { id = id, id_str = tostring(id), name = 'Unknown ('..id..')', rank = administration.get_rank(self, user, msg.chat.id, config) } table.insert(t, target) elseif user:match('^@') then local target = utilities.resolve_username(self, user) if target then target.rank = administration.get_rank(self, target.id, msg.chat.id, config) target.id_str = tostring(target.id) target.name = utilities.build_name(target.first_name, target.last_name) table.insert(t, target) else table.insert(t, { err = 'Sorry, I do not recognize that username ('..user..').' }) end else table.insert(t, { err = 'Invalid username or ID ('..user..').' }) end end return t else return false end end end function administration:mod_format(id) id = tostring(id) local user = self.database.users[id] or { first_name = 'Unknown' } local name = utilities.build_name(user.first_name, user.last_name) name = utilities.md_escape(name) local output = '• ' .. name .. ' `[' .. id .. ']`\n' return output end function administration:get_desc(chat_id, config) local group = self.database.administration.groups[tostring(chat_id)] local t = {} if group.link then table.insert(t, '*Welcome to* [' .. group.name .. '](' .. group.link .. ')*!*') else table.insert(t, '*Welcome to ' .. group.name .. '!*') end if group.motd then table.insert(t, '*Message of the Day:*\n' .. group.motd) end if #group.rules > 0 then local rulelist = '*Rules:*\n' for i = 1, #group.rules do rulelist = rulelist .. '*' .. i .. '.* ' .. group.rules[i] .. '\n' end table.insert(t, utilities.trim(rulelist)) end local flaglist = '' for i = 1, #administration.flags do if group.flags[i] then flaglist = flaglist .. '• ' .. administration.flags[i].short .. '\n' end end if flaglist ~= '' then table.insert(t, '*Flags:*\n' .. utilities.trim(flaglist)) end if group.governor then local gov = self.database.users[tostring(group.governor)] local s if gov then s = utilities.md_escape(utilities.build_name(gov.first_name, gov.last_name)) .. ' `[' .. gov.id .. ']`' else s = 'Unknown `[' .. group.governor .. ']`' end table.insert(t, '*Governor:* ' .. s) end local modstring = '' for k,_ in pairs(group.mods) do modstring = modstring .. administration.mod_format(self, k) end if modstring ~= '' then table.insert(t, '*Moderators:*\n' .. utilities.trim(modstring)) end table.insert(t, 'Run '..config.cmd_pat..'ahelp@' .. self.info.username .. ' for a list of commands.') return table.concat(t, '\n\n') end function administration:update_desc(chat, config) local group = self.database.administration.groups[tostring(chat)] local desc = 'Welcome to ' .. group.name .. '!\n' if group.motd then desc = desc .. group.motd .. '\n' end if group.governor then local gov = self.database.users[tostring(group.governor)] desc = desc .. '\nGovernor: ' .. utilities.build_name(gov.first_name, gov.last_name) .. ' [' .. gov.id .. ']\n' end local s = '\n'..config.cmd_pat..'desc@' .. self.info.username .. ' for more information.' desc = desc:sub(1, 250-s:len()) .. s drua.channel_set_about(chat, desc) end function administration:kick_user(chat, target, reason, config, s) drua.kick_user(chat, target, s) local victim = target if self.database.users[tostring(target)] then victim = utilities.build_name( self.database.users[tostring(target)].first_name, self.database.users[tostring(target)].last_name ) .. ' [' .. victim .. ']' end local group = self.database.administration.groups[tostring(chat)] local log_chat = group.flags[7] and config.log_chat or config.administration.log_chat local group_name = group.name .. ' [' .. math.abs(chat) .. ']' utilities.handle_exception(self, victim..' kicked from '..group_name, reason, log_chat) end -- Determine if the code at the end of a tg link belongs to an in-realm group. function administration:is_internal_group_link(code_thing) code_thing = '/' .. code_thing:gsub('%-', '%%-') .. '$' for _, group in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do if string.match(group.link, code_thing) then return true end end return false end function administration.init_command(self_, config_) administration.commands = { { -- generic, mostly autokicks triggers = { '' }, privilege = 0, interior = true, action = function(self, msg, group, config) local rank = administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) local user = {} local from_id_str = tostring(msg.from.id) local chat_id_str = tostring(msg.chat.id) if rank < 2 then local from_name = utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) -- banned if rank == 0 then user.do_kick = true user.dont_unban = true user.reason = 'banned' user.output = 'Sorry, you are banned from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' elseif group.flags[2] and ( -- antisquig msg.text:match(utilities.char.arabic) or msg.text:match(utilities.char.rtl_override) or msg.text:match(utilities.char.rtl_mark) ) then user.do_kick = true user.reason = 'antisquig' user.output = administration.flags[2].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) elseif group.flags[3] and ( -- antisquig++ from_name:match(utilities.char.arabic) or from_name:match(utilities.char.rtl_override) or from_name:match(utilities.char.rtl_mark) ) then user.do_kick = true user.reason = 'antisquig++' user.output = administration.flags[3].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) end -- antiflood if group.flags[5] then if not administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str] then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str] = {} end if not administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = 0 end if msg.sticker then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.sticker elseif msg.photo then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.photo elseif msg.document then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.document elseif msg.audio then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.audio elseif msg.contact then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.contact elseif msg.video then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.video elseif msg.location then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.location elseif msg.voice then administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.voice else administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] + group.antiflood.text end if administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] > 99 then user.do_kick = true user.reason = 'antiflood' user.output = administration.flags[5].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) administration.temp.flood[chat_id_str][from_id_str] = nil end end -- antilink if group.flags[8] and not (msg.forward_from and msg.forward_from.id == self.info.id) then for code_thing in msg.text:gmatch('[tT][eE][lL][eE][gG][rR][aA][mM]%.[mM][eE]/[jJ][oO][iI][nN][cC][hH][aA][tT]/([%w_%-]+)') do if not administration.is_internal_group_link(self, code_thing) then user.do_kick = true user.reason = 'antilink' user.output = administration.flags[8].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) break end end if msg.entities then for _, entity in ipairs(msg.entities) do if entity.url then local code_thing = entity.url:match('[tT][eE][lL][eE][gG][rR][aA][mM]%.[mM][eE]/[jJ][oO][iI][nN][cC][hH][aA][tT]/([%w_%-]+)') if code_thing then if not administration.is_internal_group_link(self, code_thing) then user.do_kick = true user.reason = 'antilink' user.output = administration.flags[8].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) end end end end end end end local new_user = user local new_rank = rank if msg.new_chat_member then -- I hate typing this out. local noob = msg.new_chat_member local noob_name = utilities.build_name(noob.first_name, noob.last_name) -- We'll make a new table for the new guy, unless he's also -- the original guy. if msg.new_chat_member.id ~= msg.from.id then new_user = {} new_rank = administration.get_rank(self,noob.id, msg.chat.id, config) end if new_rank == 0 then new_user.do_kick = true new_user.dont_unban = true new_user.reason = 'banned' new_user.output = 'Sorry, you are banned from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' elseif new_rank == 1 then if group.flags[3] and ( -- antisquig++ noob_name:match(utilities.char.arabic) or noob_name:match(utilities.char.rtl_override) or noob_name:match(utilities.char.rtl_mark) ) then new_user.do_kick = true new_user.reason = 'antisquig++' new_user.output = administration.flags[3].kicked:gsub('#GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title) elseif ( -- antibot group.flags[4] and noob.username and noob.username:match('bot$') and rank < 2 ) then new_user.do_kick = true new_user.reason = 'antibot' end else -- Make the new user a group admin if he's a mod or higher. if msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, msg.new_chat_member.id, 2) end end elseif msg.new_chat_title then if rank < (group.flags[9] and 2 or 3) then drua.rename_chat(msg.chat.id, group.name) else group.name = msg.new_chat_title if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then administration.update_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) end end elseif msg.new_chat_photo then if group.grouptype == 'group' then if rank < (group.flags[9] and 2 or 3) then drua.set_photo(msg.chat.id, group.photo) else group.photo = drua.get_photo(msg.chat.id) end else group.photo = drua.get_photo(msg.chat.id) end elseif msg.delete_chat_photo then if group.grouptype == 'group' then if rank < (group.flags[9] and 2 or 3) then drua.set_photo(msg.chat.id, group.photo) else group.photo = nil end else group.photo = nil end end if new_user ~= user and new_user.do_kick then administration.kick_user(self, msg.chat.id, msg.new_chat_member.id, new_user.reason, config) if new_user.output then utilities.send_message(msg.new_chat_member.id, new_user.output) end if not new_user.dont_unban and msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then bindings.unbanChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = msg.from.id } end end if group.flags[5] and user.do_kick and not user.dont_unban then if group.autokicks[from_id_str] then group.autokicks[from_id_str] = group.autokicks[from_id_str] + 1 else group.autokicks[from_id_str] = 1 end if group.autokicks[from_id_str] >= group.autoban then group.autokicks[from_id_str] = 0 group.bans[from_id_str] = true user.dont_unban = true user.reason = 'antiflood autoban: ' .. user.reason user.output = user.output .. '\nYou have been banned for being autokicked too many times.' end end if user.do_kick then administration.kick_user(self, msg.chat.id, msg.from.id, user.reason, config) if user.output then utilities.send_message(msg.from.id, user.output) end if not user.dont_unban and msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then bindings.unbanChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = msg.from.id } end end if msg.new_chat_member and not new_user.do_kick then local output = administration.get_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) utilities.send_message(msg.new_chat_member.id, output, true, nil, true) end -- Last active time for group listing. if msg.text:len() > 0 then for i,v in pairs(self.database.administration.activity) do if v == chat_id_str then table.remove(self.database.administration.activity, i) table.insert(self.database.administration.activity, 1, chat_id_str) end end end return true end }, { -- /groups triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('groups', true).table, command = 'groups \\[query]', privilege = 1, interior = false, doc = 'Returns a list of groups matching the query, or a list of all administrated groups.', action = function(self, msg, _, config) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) local search_res = '' local grouplist = '' for _, chat_id_str in ipairs(self.database.administration.activity) do local group = self.database.administration.groups[chat_id_str] if (not group.flags[1]) and group.link then -- no unlisted or unlinked groups grouplist = grouplist .. '• [' .. utilities.md_escape(group.name) .. '](' .. group.link .. ')\n' if input and string.match(group.name:lower(), input:lower()) then search_res = search_res .. '• [' .. utilities.md_escape(group.name) .. '](' .. group.link .. ')\n' end end end local output if search_res ~= '' then output = '*Groups matching* _' .. input .. '_ *:*\n' .. search_res elseif grouplist ~= '' then output = '*Groups:*\n' .. grouplist else output = 'There are currently no listed groups.' end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /ahelp triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('ahelp', true).table, command = 'ahelp \\[command]', privilege = 1, interior = false, doc = 'Returns a list of realm-related commands for your rank (in a private message), or command-specific help.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local rank = administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) local input = utilities.get_word(msg.text_lower, 2) if input then input = input:gsub('^'..config.cmd_pat..'', '') local doc for _, action in ipairs(administration.commands) do if action.keyword == input then doc = ''..config.cmd_pat..'' .. action.command:gsub('\\','') .. '\n' .. action.doc break end end if doc then local output = '*Help for* _' .. input .. '_ :\n```\n' .. doc .. '\n```' utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) else local output = 'Sorry, there is no help for that command.\n'..config.cmd_pat..'ahelp@'..self.info.username utilities.send_reply(msg, output) end else local output = '*Commands for ' .. administration.ranks[rank] .. ':*\n' for i = 1, rank do for _, val in ipairs(administration.temp.help[i]) do output = output .. '• ' .. config.cmd_pat .. val .. '\n' end end output = output .. 'Arguments: \\[optional]' if utilities.send_message(msg.from.id, output, true, nil, true) then if msg.from.id ~= msg.chat.id then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'I have sent you the requested information in a private message.') end else utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end end end }, { -- /ops triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('ops'):t('oplist').table, command = 'ops', privilege = 1, interior = true, doc = 'Returns a list of moderators and the governor for the group.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local modstring = '' for k,_ in pairs(group.mods) do modstring = modstring .. administration.mod_format(self, k) end if modstring ~= '' then modstring = '*Moderators for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' .. modstring end local govstring = '' if group.governor then local gov = self.database.users[tostring(group.governor)] if gov then govstring = '*Governor:* ' .. utilities.md_escape(utilities.build_name(gov.first_name, gov.last_name)) .. ' `[' .. gov.id .. ']`' else govstring = '*Governor:* Unknown `[' .. group.governor .. ']`' end end local output = utilities.trim(modstring) ..'\n\n' .. utilities.trim(govstring) if output == '\n\n' then output = 'There are currently no moderators for this group.' end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /desc triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('desc'):t('description').table, command = 'description', privilege = 1, interior = true, doc = 'Returns a description of the group (in a private message), including its motd, rules, flags, governor, and moderators.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = administration.get_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) if utilities.send_message(msg.from.id, output, true, nil, true) then if msg.from.id ~= msg.chat.id then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'I have sent you the requested information in a private message.') end else utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end end }, { -- /rules triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('rules?', true).table, command = 'rules \\[i]', privilege = 1, interior = true, doc = 'Returns the group\'s list of rules, or a specific rule.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output local input = utilities.get_word(msg.text_lower, 2) input = tonumber(input) if #group.rules > 0 then if input and group.rules[input] then output = '*' .. input .. '.* ' .. group.rules[input] else output = '*Rules for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' for i,v in ipairs(group.rules) do output = output .. '*' .. i .. '.* ' .. v .. '\n' end end else output = 'No rules have been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /motd triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('motd'):t('qotd').table, command = 'motd', privilege = 1, interior = true, doc = 'Returns the group\'s message of the day.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = 'No MOTD has been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' if group.motd then output = '*MOTD for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' .. group.motd end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /link triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('link').table, command = 'link', privilege = 1, interior = true, doc = 'Returns the group\'s link.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = 'No link has been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' if group.link then output = '[' .. msg.chat.title .. '](' .. group.link .. ')' end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /kick triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('kick', true).table, command = 'kick ', privilege = 2, interior = true, doc = 'Removes a user from the group. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets, reason = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then reason = reason and ': ' .. utilities.trim(reason) or '' local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif target.rank >= administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) then output = output .. target.name .. ' is too privileged to be kicked.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' has been kicked.\n' administration.kick_user(self, msg.chat.id, target.id, 'kicked by ' .. utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) .. ' [' .. msg.from.id .. ']' .. reason, config, s) if msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then bindings.unbanChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = target.id } end end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /ban triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('ban', true).table, command = 'ban ', privilege = 2, interior = true, doc = 'Bans a user from the group. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets, reason = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then reason = reason and ': ' .. utilities.trim(reason) or '' local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif group.bans[target.id_str] then output = output .. target.name .. ' is already banned.\n' elseif target.rank >= administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) then output = output .. target.name .. ' is too privileged to be banned.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' has been banned.\n' administration.kick_user(self, msg.chat.id, target.id, 'banned by ' .. utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) .. ' [' .. msg.from.id .. ']' .. reason, config, s) group.mods[target.id_str] = nil group.bans[target.id_str] = true end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /unban triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('unban', true).table, command = 'unban ', privilege = 2, interior = true, doc = 'Unbans a user from the group. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' else if not group.bans[target.id_str] then output = output .. target.name .. ' is not banned.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' has been unbanned.\n' group.bans[target.id_str] = nil end if msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then bindings.unbanChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = target.id } end group.autokicks[target.id_str] = nil end end utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /setmotd triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('setmotd', true):t('setqotd', true).table, command = 'setmotd ', privilege = 2, interior = true, doc = 'Sets the group\'s message of the day. Markdown is supported. Pass "--" to delete the message.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) if administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) == 2 and not group.flags[9] then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'modrights `[9]` must be enabled for moderators to use this command.', true) return end local input = utilities.input(msg.text) local quoted = utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) if msg.reply_to_message and #msg.reply_to_message.text > 0 then input = msg.reply_to_message.text if msg.reply_to_message.forward_from then quoted = utilities.build_name(msg.reply_to_message.forward_from.first_name, msg.reply_to_message.forward_from.last_name) else quoted = utilities.build_name(msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name, msg.reply_to_message.from.last_name) end end if input then if input == '--' or input == utilities.char.em_dash then group.motd = nil utilities.send_reply(msg, 'The MOTD has been cleared.') else if msg.text:match('^'..config_.cmd_pat..'setqotd') then input = '_' .. utilities.md_escape(input) .. '_\n - ' .. utilities.md_escape(quoted) end group.motd = input local output = '*MOTD for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' .. input utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then administration.update_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) end else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify the new message of the day.') end end }, { -- /setrules triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('setrules', true).table, command = 'setrules ', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Sets the group\'s rules. Rules will be automatically numbered. Separate rules with a new line. Markdown is supported. Pass "--" to delete the rules.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local input = msg.text:match('^'..config.cmd_pat..'setrules[@'..self.info.username..']*(.+)') if input == ' --' or input == ' ' .. utilities.char.em_dash then group.rules = {} utilities.send_reply(msg, 'The rules have been cleared.') elseif input then group.rules = {} input = utilities.trim(input) .. '\n' local output = '*Rules for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' local i = 1 for l in input:gmatch('(.-)\n') do output = output .. '*' .. i .. '.* ' .. l .. '\n' i = i + 1 table.insert(group.rules, utilities.trim(l)) end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify the new rules.') end end }, { -- /changerule triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('changerule', true).table, command = 'changerule ', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Changes a single rule. Pass "--" to delete the rule. If i is a number for which there is no rule, adds a rule by the next incremented number.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) local output = 'usage: `'..config.cmd_pat..'changerule `' if input then local rule_num = tonumber(input:match('^%d+')) local new_rule = utilities.input(input) if not rule_num then output = 'Please specify which rule you want to change.' elseif not new_rule then output = 'Please specify the new rule.' elseif new_rule == '--' or new_rule == utilities.char.em_dash then if group.rules[rule_num] then table.remove(group.rules, rule_num) output = 'That rule has been deleted.' else output = 'There is no rule with that number.' end else if not group.rules[rule_num] then rule_num = #group.rules + 1 end group.rules[rule_num] = new_rule output = '*' .. rule_num .. '*. ' .. new_rule end end utilities.send_reply(msg, output, true) end }, { -- /setlink triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('setlink', true).table, command = 'setlink ', privilege = 2, interior = true, doc = 'Sets the group\'s join link. Pass "--" to regenerate the link.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) if administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) == 2 and not group.flags[9] then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'modrights `[9]` must be enabled for moderators to use this command.', true) return end local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if input == '--' or input == utilities.char.em_dash then group.link = drua.export_link(msg.chat.id) utilities.send_reply(msg, 'The link has been regenerated.') elseif input then group.link = input local output = '[' .. msg.chat.title .. '](' .. input .. ')' utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify the new link.') end end }, { -- /alist triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('alist').table, command = 'alist', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Returns a list of administrators. Owner is denoted with a star character.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = '*Administrators:*\n' output = output .. administration.mod_format(self, config.admin):gsub('\n', ' ★\n') for id,_ in pairs(self.database.administration.admins) do output = output .. administration.mod_format(self, id) end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /flags triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('flags?', true).table, command = 'flag \\[i] ...', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Returns a list of flags or toggles the specified flags.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = '' local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if input then for i in input:gmatch('%g+') do local n = tonumber(i) if n and administration.flags[n] then if group.flags[n] == true then group.flags[n] = false output = output .. administration.flags[n].disabled .. '\n' else group.flags[n] = true output = output .. administration.flags[n].enabled .. '\n' end end end if output == '' then input = false end end if not input then output = '*Flags for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':*\n' for i, flag in ipairs(administration.flags) do local status = group.flags[i] or false output = output .. '*' .. i .. '. ' .. flag.name .. '* `[' .. tostring(status) .. ']`\n• ' .. flag.desc .. '\n' end end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /antiflood triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('antiflood', true).table, command = 'antiflood \\[ ]', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Returns a list of antiflood values or sets one.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) if not group.flags[5] then utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, 'antiflood is not enabled. Use `'..config.cmd_pat..'flag 5` to enable it.', true, nil, true) else local input = utilities.input(msg.text_lower) local output if input then local key, val = input:match('(%a+) (%d+)') if not key or not val or not tonumber(val) then output = 'Not a valid message type or number.' elseif key == 'autoban' then group.autoban = tonumber(val) output = string.format( 'Users will now be automatically banned after *%s* automatic kick%s.', val, group.autoban == 1 and '' or 's' ) else group.antiflood[key] = tonumber(val) output = '*' .. key:gsub('^%l', string.upper) .. '* messages are now worth *' .. val .. '* points.' end else output = '' for k,v in pairs(group.antiflood) do output = output .. '*'..k..':* `'..v..'`\n' end output = string.format( [[ usage: `%santiflood ` example: `%santiflood text 5` Use this command to configure the point values for each message type. When a user reaches 100 points, he is kicked. The points are reset each minute. The current values are: %sUsers are automatically banned after *%s* automatic kick%s. ]], config.cmd_pat, config.cmd_pat, output, group.autoban, group.autoban == 1 and '' or 's' ) end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, msg.message_id, true) end end }, { -- /mod triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('mod', true).table, command = 'mod ', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Promotes a user to a moderator. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' else if target.rank > 1 then output = output .. target.name .. ' is already a moderator or greater.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' is now a moderator.\n' group.mods[target.id_str] = true group.bans[target.id_str] = nil end if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then local chat_member = bindings.getChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = target.id } if chat_member and chat_member.result.status == 'member' then drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target.id, 2, s) end end end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /demod triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('demod', true).table, command = 'demod ', privilege = 3, interior = true, doc = 'Demotes a moderator to a user. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' else if not group.mods[target.id_str] then output = output .. target.name .. ' is not a moderator.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' is no longer a moderator.\n' group.mods[target.id_str] = nil end if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target.id, 0, s) end end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /gov triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('gov', true).table, command = 'gov ', privilege = 4, interior = true, doc = 'Promotes a user to the governor. The current governor will be replaced. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local target = targets[1] if target.err then utilities.send_reply(msg, target.err) else if group.governor == target.id then utilities.send_reply(msg, target.name .. ' is already the governor.') else group.bans[target.id_str] = nil group.mods[target.id_str] = nil group.governor = target.id utilities.send_reply(msg, target.name .. ' is the new governor.') end if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then local chat_member = bindings.getChatMember{ chat_id = msg.chat.id, user_id = target.id } if chat_member and chat_member.result.status == 'member' then drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target.id, 2) end administration.update_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) end end else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /degov triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('degov', true).table, command = 'degov ', privilege = 4, interior = true, doc = 'Demotes the governor to a user. The administrator will become the new governor. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local target = targets[1] if target.err then utilities.send_reply(msg, target.err) else if group.governor ~= target.id then utilities.send_reply(msg, target.name .. ' is not the governor.') else group.governor = msg.from.id utilities.send_reply(msg, target.name .. ' is no longer the governor.') end if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target.id, 0) administration.update_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) end end else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /hammer triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('hammer', true).table, command = 'hammer ', privilege = 4, interior = false, doc = 'Bans a user from all groups. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets, reason = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then reason = reason and ': ' .. utilities.trim(reason) or '' local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif self.database.administration.globalbans[target.id_str] then output = output .. target.name .. ' is already globally banned.\n' elseif target.rank >= administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) then output = output .. target.name .. ' is too privileged to be globally banned.\n' else if group then local reason_ = 'hammered by ' .. utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) .. ' [' .. msg.from.id .. ']' .. reason administration.kick_user(self, msg.chat.id, target.id, reason_, config) end for k,v in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do if not v.flags[6] then v.mods[target.id_str] = nil drua.kick_user(k, target.id, s) end end self.database.administration.globalbans[target.id_str] = true if group and group.flags[6] == true then group.mods[target.id_str] = nil group.bans[target.id_str] = true output = output .. target.name .. ' has been globally and locally banned.\n' else output = output .. target.name .. ' has been globally banned.\n' end end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /unhammer triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('unhammer', true).table, command = 'unhammer ', privilege = 4, interior = false, doc = 'Removes a global ban. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif not self.database.administration.globalbans[target.id_str] then output = output .. target.name .. ' is not globally banned.\n' else self.database.administration.globalbans[target.id_str] = nil output = output .. target.name .. ' has been globally unbanned.\n' end end utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /admin triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('admin', true).table, command = 'admin ', privilege = 5, interior = false, doc = 'Promotes a user to an administrator. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, _, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif target.rank >= 4 then output = output .. target.name .. ' is already an administrator or greater.\n' else for _, group in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do group.mods[target.id_str] = nil end self.database.administration.admins[target.id_str] = true output = output .. target.name .. ' is now an administrator.\n' end end utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /deadmin triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('deadmin', true).table, command = 'deadmin ', privilege = 5, interior = false, doc = 'Demotes an administrator to a user. The target may be specified via reply, username, or ID.', action = function(self, msg, _, config) local targets = administration.get_targets(self, msg, config) if targets then local output = '' local s = drua.sopen() for _, target in ipairs(targets) do if target.err then output = output .. target.err .. '\n' elseif target.rank ~= 4 then output = output .. target.name .. ' is not an administrator.\n' else for chat_id, group in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do if group.grouptype == 'supergroup' then drua.channel_set_admin(chat_id, target.id, 0, s) end end self.database.administration.admins[target.id_str] = nil output = output .. target.name .. ' is no longer an administrator.\n' end end s:close() utilities.send_reply(msg, output) else utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Please specify a user or users via reply, username, or ID.') end end }, { -- /gadd triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('gadd', true).table, command = 'gadd \\[i] ...', privilege = 5, interior = false, doc = [[ Adds a group to the administration system. Pass numbers as arguments to enable those flags immediately. Example usage: ]] .. config_.cmd_pat .. [[gadd 1 4 5 This would add a group and enable the unlisted flag, antibot, and antiflood. ]], action = function(self, msg, group, config) if msg.chat.id == msg.from.id then utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, 'This is not a group.') elseif group then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'I am already administrating this group.') else local output = 'I am now administrating this group.' local flags = {} for i = 1, #administration.flags do flags[i] = config.administration.flags[i] end local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if input then for i in input:gmatch('%g+') do local n = tonumber(i) if n and administration.flags[n] and flags[n] ~= true then flags[n] = true output = output .. '\n' .. administration.flags[n].short end end end self.database.administration.groups[tostring(msg.chat.id)] = { mods = {}, governor = msg.from.id, bans = {}, flags = flags, rules = {}, grouptype = msg.chat.type, name = msg.chat.title, link = drua.export_link(msg.chat.id), photo = drua.get_photo(msg.chat.id), founded = os.time(), autokicks = {}, autoban = 3, antiflood = {} } for k, v in pairs(config.administration.antiflood) do self.database.administration.groups[tostring(msg.chat.id)].antiflood[k] = config.administration.antiflood[k] end administration.update_desc(self, msg.chat.id, config) table.insert(self.database.administration.activity, tostring(msg.chat.id)) utilities.send_reply(msg, output) drua.channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, self.info.id, 2) end end }, { -- /grem triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('grem', true):t('gremove', true).table, command = 'gremove \\[chat]', privilege = 5, interior = false, doc = 'Removes a group from the administration system.', action = function(self, msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) or tostring(msg.chat.id) local output if self.database.administration.groups[input] then local chat_name = self.database.administration.groups[input].name self.database.administration.groups[input] = nil for i,v in ipairs(self.database.administration.activity) do if v == input then table.remove(self.database.administration.activity, i) end end output = 'I am no longer administrating _' .. utilities.md_escape(chat_name) .. '_.' else if input == tostring(msg.chat.id) then output = 'I do not administrate this group.' else output = 'I do not administrate that group.' end end utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- /glist triggers = utilities.triggers(self_.info.username, config_.cmd_pat):t('glist', false).table, command = 'glist', privilege = 5, interior = false, doc = 'Returns a list (in a private message) of all administrated groups with their governors and links.', action = function(self, msg, group, config) local output = '' if utilities.table_size(self.database.administration.groups) > 0 then for k,v in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do output = output .. '[' .. utilities.md_escape(v.name) .. '](' .. v.link .. ') `[' .. k .. ']`\n' if v.governor then local gov = self.database.users[tostring(v.governor)] output = output .. '★ ' .. utilities.md_escape(utilities.build_name(gov.first_name, gov.last_name)) .. ' `[' .. gov.id .. ']`\n' end end else output = 'There are no groups.' end if utilities.send_message(msg.from.id, output, true, nil, true) then if msg.from.id ~= msg.chat.id then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'I have sent you the requested information in a private message.') end end end } } administration.triggers = {''} -- Generate help messages and ahelp keywords. self_.database.administration.help = {} for i,_ in ipairs(administration.ranks) do administration.temp.help[i] = {} end for _,v in ipairs(administration.commands) do if v.command then table.insert(administration.temp.help[v.privilege], v.command) if v.doc then v.keyword = utilities.get_word(v.command, 1) end end end end function administration:action(msg, config) for _,command in ipairs(administration.commands) do for _,trigger in pairs(command.triggers) do if msg.text_lower:match(trigger) then if (command.interior and not self.database.administration.groups[tostring(msg.chat.id)]) or administration.get_rank(self, msg.from.id, msg.chat.id, config) < command.privilege then break end local res = command.action(self, msg, self.database.administration.groups[tostring(msg.chat.id)], config) if res ~= true then return res end end end end return true end function administration:cron() administration.temp.flood = {} if os.date('%d') ~= self.database.administration.autokick_timer then self.database.administration.autokick_timer = os.date('%d') for _,v in pairs(self.database.administration.groups) do v.autokicks = {} end end end return administration