HTTP = require('socket.http') HTTPS= require('ssl.https') URL = require('socket.url') JSON = require('dkjson') VERSION = '2.11' function on_msg_receive(msg) if blacklist[tostring(] then return end if floodcontrol[] then -- This stuff is useful for the moderation plugin to not be completely unusable when floodcontrol is activated. msg.flood = = end if msg.new_chat_participant and == then msg.text = '/about' end -- If bot is added to a group, send the about message. if < os.time() - 10 then return end -- don't react to old messages if not msg.text then return end -- don't react to media messages if msg.forward_from then return end -- don't react to forwarded messages local lower = string.lower(msg.text) for i,v in pairs(plugins) do for j,w in pairs(v.triggers) do if string.match(lower, w) then if v.typing then send_chat_action(, 'typing') end local a,b = pcall(function() -- Janky error handling v.action(msg) end) if not a then print('',msg.text,'\n',b) -- debugging send_msg(msg, b) end end end end end function bot_init() print('Loading configuration...') config = dofile('config.lua') require('bindings') require('utilities') blacklist = load_data('blacklist.json') print('Fetching bot information...') bot = get_me() while bot == false do print('Failure fetching bot information. Trying again...') bot = get_me() end bot = bot.result print('Loading plugins...') plugins = {} for i,v in ipairs(config.plugins) do local p = dofile('plugins/'..v) table.insert(plugins, p) end print('Plugins loaded: ' .. #plugins .. '. Generating help message...') help_message = '' for i,v in ipairs(plugins) do if v.doc then local a = string.sub(v.doc, 1, string.find(v.doc, '\n')-1) help_message = help_message .. ' - ' .. a .. '\n' end end print('@'.. bot.username ..', AKA '.. bot.first_name ..' ('.. ..')') is_started = true end bot_init() last_update = 0 last_cron = os.time() while is_started do local res = get_updates(last_update+1) if not res then print('Error getting updates.') else for i,v in ipairs(res.result) do if v.update_id > last_update then last_update = v.update_id on_msg_receive(v.message) end end end -- cron-like thing -- run PLUGIN.cron() every five seconds if last_cron < os.time() - 5 then for k,v in pairs(plugins) do if v.cron then a,b = pcall(function() v.cron() end) if not a then print(b) end end end last_cron = os.time() end end print('Halted.')