local doc = [[ /nick Set your nickname for the bot to call you. Use -- to clear your nickname. ]] local triggers = { '^/nick' } local action = function(msg) local data = load_data('nicknames.json') local id = tostring(msg.from.id) local input = get_input(msg.text) if not input then local message = '' if data[id] then message = '\nYour nickname is currently ' .. data[id] .. '.' end return send_msg(msg, doc..message) end if input == '--' then data[id] = nil save_data('nicknames.json', data) send_msg(msg, 'Your nickname has been deleted.') return end input = input:sub(1,64):gsub('\n',' ') data[id] = input save_data('nicknames.json', data) send_msg(msg, 'Your nickname has been set to ' .. input .. '.') end return { doc = doc, triggers = triggers, action = action }