local setandget = {} local bindings = require('bindings') local utilities = require('utilities') function setandget:init() self.database.setandget = self.database.setandget or {} setandget.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username):t('set', true):t('get', true).table end setandget.command = 'set ' setandget.doc = [[``` /set Stores a value with the given name. Use "/set --" to delete the stored value. /get [name] Returns the stored value or a list of stored values. ```]] function setandget:action(msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str] = self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str] or {} if msg.text_lower:match('^/set') then if not input then bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, setandget.doc, true, nil, true) return end local name = utilities.get_word(input:lower(), 1) local value = utilities.input(input) if not name or not value then bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, setandget.doc, true, nil, true) elseif value == '--' or value == '—' then self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str][name] = nil bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, 'That value has been deleted.') else self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str][name] = value bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, '"' .. name .. '" has been set to "' .. value .. '".', true) end elseif msg.text_lower:match('^/get') then if not input then local output if utilities.table_size(self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str]) == 0 then output = 'No values have been stored here.' else output = '*List of stored values:*\n' for k,v in pairs(self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str]) do output = output .. '• ' .. k .. ': `' .. v .. '`\n' end end bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) return end local output if self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str][input:lower()] then output = '`' .. self.database.setandget[msg.chat.id_str][input:lower()] .. '`' else output = 'There is no value stored by that name.' end bindings.sendMessage(self, msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end end return setandget