local mal = {} local http = require('socket.http') local URL = require('socket.url') local xml = require("xml") local utilities = require('miku.utilities') local bindings = require('miku.bindings') mal.command = 'anime , /manga ' function mal:init(config) if not cred_data.mal_username then print('Missing config value: mal_username.') print('myanimelist.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.mal_pw then print('Missing config value: mal_pw.') print('myanimelist.lua will not be enabled.') return end mal.triggers = { "^/(anime) (.+)$", "^/(mal) (.+)$", "^/(manga) (.+)$" } mal.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[anime*_ _: Sendet Infos zum Anime *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[manga*_ _: Sendet Infos zum Manga ]] end local user = cred_data.mal_username local password = cred_data.mal_pw local BASE_URL = 'http://'..user..':'..password..'@myanimelist.net/api' function mal:delete_tags(str) str = string.gsub( str, '
', '') str = string.gsub( str, '%[i%]', '') str = string.gsub( str, '%[/i%]', '') str = string.gsub( str, '—', ' — ') return str end local makeOurDate = function(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)" local year, month, day = dateString:match(pattern) return day..'.'..month..'.'..year end function mal:get_mal_info(query, typ) if typ == 'anime' then url = BASE_URL..'/anime/search.xml?q='..query elseif typ == 'manga' then url = BASE_URL..'/manga/search.xml?q='..query end local res,code = http.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP-Fehler" end local result = xml.load(res) return result end function mal:send_anime_data(result, receiver) local title = xml.find(result, 'title')[1] local id = xml.find(result, 'id')[1] local mal_url = 'http://myanimelist.net/anime/'..id if xml.find(result, 'synonyms')[1] then alt_name = '\noder: '..unescape(mal:delete_tags(xml.find(result, 'synonyms')[1])) else alt_name = '' end if xml.find(result, 'synopsis')[1] then desc = '\n'..unescape(mal:delete_tags(string.sub(xml.find(result, 'synopsis')[1], 1, 200))) .. '...' else desc = '' end if xml.find(result, 'episodes')[1] then episodes = '\nEpisoden: '..xml.find(result, 'episodes')[1] else episodes = '' end if xml.find(result, 'status')[1] then status = ' ('..xml.find(result, 'status')[1]..')' else status = '' end if xml.find(result, 'score')[1] ~= "0.00" then score = '\nScore: '..string.gsub(xml.find(result, 'score')[1], "%.", ",") else score = '' end if xml.find(result, 'type')[1] then typ = '\nTyp: '..xml.find(result, 'type')[1] else typ = '' end if xml.find(result, 'start_date')[1] ~= "0000-00-00" then startdate = '\nVeröffentlichungszeitraum: '..makeOurDate(xml.find(result, 'start_date')[1]) else startdate = '' end if xml.find(result, 'end_date')[1] ~= "0000-00-00" then enddate = ' - '..makeOurDate(xml.find(result, 'end_date')[1]) else enddate = '' end local text = '*'..title..'*'..alt_name..typ..episodes..status..score..startdate..enddate..'_'..desc..'_\n[Auf MyAnimeList ansehen]('..mal_url..')' if xml.find(result, 'image') then local image_url = xml.find(result, 'image')[1] return text, image_url else return text end end function mal:send_manga_data(result) local title = xml.find(result, 'title')[1] local id = xml.find(result, 'id')[1] local mal_url = 'http://myanimelist.net/manga/'..id if xml.find(result, 'type')[1] then typ = ' ('..xml.find(result, 'type')[1]..')' else typ = '' end if xml.find(result, 'synonyms')[1] then alt_name = '\noder: '..unescape(mal:delete_tags(xml.find(result, 'synonyms')[1])) else alt_name = '' end if xml.find(result, 'chapters')[1] then chapters = '\nKapitel: '..xml.find(result, 'chapters')[1] else chapters = '' end if xml.find(result, 'status')[1] then status = ' ('..xml.find(result, 'status')[1]..')' else status = '' end if xml.find(result, 'volumes')[1] then volumes = '\nBände '..xml.find(result, 'volumes')[1] else volumes = '' end if xml.find(result, 'score')[1] ~= "0.00" then score = '\nScore: '..xml.find(result, 'score')[1] else score = '' end if xml.find(result, 'start_date')[1] ~= "0000-00-00" then startdate = '\nVeröffentlichungszeitraum: '..makeOurDate(xml.find(result, 'start_date')[1]) else startdate = '' end if xml.find(result, 'end_date')[1] ~= "0000-00-00" then enddate = ' - '..makeOurDate(xml.find(result, 'end_date')[1]) else enddate = '' end if xml.find(result, 'synopsis')[1] then desc = '\n'..unescape(mal:delete_tags(string.sub(xml.find(result, 'synopsis')[1], 1, 200))) .. '...' else desc = '' end local text = '*'..title..'*'..alt_name..typ..chapters..status..volumes..score..startdate..enddate..'_'..desc..'_\n[Auf MyAnimeList ansehen]('..mal_url..')' if xml.find(result, 'image') then local image_url = xml.find(result, 'image')[1] return text, image_url else return text end end function mal:action(msg, config, matches) local query = URL.escape(matches[2]) if matches[1] == 'anime' or matches[1] == 'mal' then local anime_info = mal:get_mal_info(query, 'anime') if anime_info == "HTTP-Fehler" then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Anime nicht gefunden!') return else local text, image_url = mal:send_anime_data(anime_info) if image_url then utilities.send_typing(self, msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local file = download_to_file(image_url) utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, text, true) return end elseif matches[1] == 'manga' then local manga_info = mal:get_mal_info(query, 'manga') if manga_info == "HTTP-Fehler" then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Manga nicht gefunden!') return else local text, image_url = mal:send_manga_data(manga_info) if image_url then utilities.send_typing(self, msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') local file = download_to_file(image_url) utilities.send_photo(self, msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, text, true) return end end end return mal