local PLUGIN = {} PLUGIN.doc = [[ /weather Returns the current temperature and weather conditions for a specified location. Non-city locations are accepted; "/weather Buckingham Palace" will return the weather for Westminster. ]] PLUGIN.triggers = { '^/weather' } function PLUGIN.action(msg) local input = get_input(msg.text) if not input then return send_msg(msg, PLUGIN.doc) end coords = get_coords(input) if not coords then return send_msg(msg, locale.noresults) end local url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=' .. coords.lat .. '&lon=' .. coords.lon local jstr, res = HTTP.request(url) if res ~= 200 then return send_msg(msg, locale.conn_err) end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) local celsius = jdat.main.temp - 273.15 local fahrenheit = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", celsius * (9/5) + 32)) local message = jdat.name .. ': ' .. celsius .. '°C | ' .. fahrenheit .. '°F, ' .. jdat.weather[1].description .. '.' send_msg(msg, message) end return PLUGIN