local bot = {} local bindings -- Bot API bindings. local utilities -- Miscellaneous and shared plugins. bot.version = '3.13' -- Function to be run on start and reload. function bot:init(config) bindings = require('otouto.bindings') utilities = require('otouto.utilities') assert( config.bot_api_key, 'You did not set your bot token in the config!' ) self.BASE_URL = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' .. config.bot_api_key .. '/' -- Fetch bot information. Try until it succeeds. repeat print('Fetching bot information...') self.info = bindings.getMe(self) until self.info self.info = self.info.result -- Load the "database"! ;) self.database_name = config.database_name or self.info.username .. '.db' if not self.database then self.database = utilities.load_data(self.database_name) end -- Migration code 1.12 -> 1.13 -- Back to administration global ban list; copy over current blacklist. if self.database.version ~= '3.13' then if self.database.administration then self.database.administration.globalbans = self.database.administration.globalbans or self.database.blacklist or {} utilities.save_data(self.database_name, self.database) self.database = utilities.load_data(self.database_name) end end -- End migration code. -- Table to cache user info (usernames, IDs, etc). self.database.users = self.database.users or {} -- Table to store userdata (nicknames, lastfm usernames, etc). self.database.userdata = self.database.userdata or {} -- Table to store the IDs of blacklisted users. self.database.blacklist = self.database.blacklist or {} -- Save the bot's version in the database to make migration simpler. self.database.version = bot.version -- Add updated bot info to the user info cache. self.database.users[tostring(self.info.id)] = self.info -- All plugins go into self.plugins. Plugins which accept forwarded messages -- and messages from blacklisted users also go into self.panoptic_plugins. self.plugins = {} self.panoptic_plugins = {} local t = {} -- Petty pseudo-optimization. for _, pname in ipairs(config.plugins) do local plugin = require('otouto.plugins.'..pname) table.insert(self.plugins, plugin) if plugin.init then plugin.init(self, config) end if plugin.panoptic then table.insert(self.panoptic_plugins, plugin) end if plugin.doc then plugin.doc = '```\n'..plugin.doc..'\n```' end if not plugin.triggers then plugin.triggers = t end end print('@' .. self.info.username .. ', AKA ' .. self.info.first_name ..' ('..self.info.id..')') -- Set loop variables. self.last_update = self.last_update or 0 -- Update offset. self.last_cron = self.last_cron or os.date('%M') -- Last cron job. self.last_database_save = self.last_database_save or os.date('%H') -- Last db save. self.is_started = true end -- Function to be run on each new message. function bot:on_msg_receive(msg, config) -- Do not process old messages. if msg.date < os.time() - 5 then return end -- plugint is the array of plugins we'll check the message against. -- If the message is forwarded or from a blacklisted user, the bot will only -- check against panoptic plugins. local plugint = self.plugins local from_id_str = tostring(msg.from.id) -- Cache user info for those involved. self.database.users[from_id_str] = msg.from if msg.reply_to_message then self.database.users[tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id)] = msg.reply_to_message.from elseif msg.forward_from then -- Forwards only go to panoptic plugins. plugint = self.panoptic_plugins self.database.users[tostring(msg.forward_from.id)] = msg.forward_from elseif msg.new_chat_member then self.database.users[tostring(msg.new_chat_member.id)] = msg.new_chat_member elseif msg.left_chat_member then self.database.users[tostring(msg.left_chat_member.id)] = msg.left_chat_member end -- Messages from blacklisted users only go to panoptic plugins. if self.database.blacklist[from_id_str] then plugint = self.panoptic_plugins end -- If no text, use captions. msg.text = msg.text or msg.caption or '' msg.text_lower = msg.text:lower() if msg.reply_to_message then msg.reply_to_message.text = msg.reply_to_message.text or msg.reply_to_message.caption or '' end -- Support deep linking. if msg.text:match('^'..config.cmd_pat..'start .+') then msg.text = config.cmd_pat .. utilities.input(msg.text) msg.text_lower = msg.text:lower() end -- If the message is forwarded or comes from a blacklisted yser, -- Do the thing. for _, plugin in ipairs(plugint) do for _, trigger in ipairs(plugin.triggers) do if string.match(msg.text_lower, trigger) then local success, result = pcall(function() return plugin.action(self, msg, config) end) if not success then -- If the plugin has an error message, send it. If it does -- not, use the generic one specified in config. If it's set -- to false, do nothing. if plugin.error then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, plugin.error) elseif plugin.error == nil then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.generic) end utilities.handle_exception(self, result, msg.from.id .. ': ' .. msg.text, config) msg = nil return -- Continue if the return value is true. elseif result ~= true then msg = nil return end end end end msg = nil end -- main function bot:run(config) bot.init(self, config) while self.is_started do -- Update loop. local res = bindings.getUpdates(self, { timeout = 20, offset = self.last_update + 1 } ) if res then -- Iterate over every new message. for _,v in ipairs(res.result) do self.last_update = v.update_id if v.message then bot.on_msg_receive(self, v.message, config) end end else print('Connection error while fetching updates.') end -- Run cron jobs every minute. if self.last_cron ~= os.date('%M') then self.last_cron = os.date('%M') for i,v in ipairs(self.plugins) do if v.cron then -- Call each plugin's cron function, if it has one. local result, err = pcall(function() v.cron(self, config) end) if not result then utilities.handle_exception(self, err, 'CRON: ' .. i, config) end end end end -- Save the "database" every hour. if self.last_database_save ~= os.date('%H') then self.last_database_save = os.date('%H') utilities.save_data(self.database_name, self.database) end end -- Save the database before exiting. utilities.save_data(self.database_name, self.database) print('Halted.') end return bot