local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') local pgc = {} function pgc:init(config) pgc.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('gocalc', true).table pgc.doc = config.cmd_pat .. [[gocalc Calculates the number of Pokémon that must be transferred before evolving, how many evolutions the user is able to perform, and how many Pokémon and candy will be left over. All arguments must be positive numbers. Batch jobs may be performed by separating valid sets of arguments by lines. Example (forty pidgeys and three hundred pidgey candies): ]] .. config.cmd_pat .. 'gocalc 12 40 300' pgc.command = 'gocalc <#pokemon> <#candy>' end -- This function written by Juan Potato. MIT-licensed. local pidgey_calc = function(candies_to_evolve, mons, candies) local transferred = 0; local evolved = 0; while true do if math.floor(candies / candies_to_evolve) == 0 or mons == 0 then break else mons = mons - 1 candies = candies - candies_to_evolve + 1 evolved = evolved + 1 if mons == 0 then break end end end while true do if (candies + mons) < (candies_to_evolve + 1) or mons == 0 then break end while candies < candies_to_evolve do transferred = transferred + 1 mons = mons - 1 candies = candies + 1 end mons = mons - 1 candies = candies - candies_to_evolve + 1 evolved = evolved + 1 end return { transfer = transferred, evolve = evolved, leftover_mons = mons, leftover_candy = candies } end local single_job = function(input) local req_candy, mons, candies = input:match('^(%d+) (%d+) (%d+)$') req_candy = tonumber(req_candy) mons = tonumber(mons) candies = tonumber(candies) if not (req_candy and mons and candies) then return { err = 'Invalid input: Three numbers expected.' } elseif req_candy > 400 then return { err = 'Invalid required candy: Maximum is 400.' } elseif mons > 1000 then return { err = 'Invalid number of Pokémon: Maximum is 1000.' } elseif candies > 10000 then return { err = 'Invalid number of candies: Maximum is 10000.' } else return pidgey_calc(req_candy, mons, candies) end end function pgc:action(msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if not input then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, pgc.doc, true) return end input = input .. '\n' local output = '' local total_evolutions = 0 for line in input:gmatch('(.-)\n') do local info = single_job(line) output = output .. '`' .. line .. '`\n' if info.err then output = output .. info.err .. '\n\n' else total_evolutions = total_evolutions + info.evolve local s = '*Transfer:* %s. \n*Evolve:* %s (%s XP, %s minutes). \n*Leftover:* %s mons, %s candy.\n\n' s = s:format(info.transfer, info.evolve, info.evolve..'k', info.evolve*0.5, info.leftover_mons, info.leftover_candy) output = output .. s end end local s = '*Total evolutions:* %s. \n*Recommendation:* %s' local recommendation local egg_count = math.floor(total_evolutions/60) if egg_count < 1 then recommendation = 'Wait until you have atleast sixty Pokémon to evolve before using a lucky egg.' else recommendation = string.format( 'Use %s lucky egg%s for %s evolutions.', egg_count, egg_count == 1 and '' or 's', egg_count * 60 ) end s = s:format(total_evolutions, recommendation) output = output .. s utilities.send_reply(self, msg, output, true) end return pgc