local wikipedia = {} local HTTPS = require('ssl.https') local URL = require('socket.url') local JSON = require('dkjson') local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') wikipedia.command = 'wikipedia ' function wikipedia:init(config) wikipedia.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('wikipedia', true):t('wiki', true):t('w', true).table wikipedia.doc = config.cmd_pat .. [[wikipedia Returns an article from Wikipedia. Aliases: ]] .. config.cmd_pat .. 'w, ' .. config.cmd_pat .. 'wiki' wikipedia.search_url = 'https://' .. config.lang .. '.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&format=json&srsearch=' wikipedia.res_url = 'https://' .. config.lang .. '.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&format=json&exchars=4000&exsectionformat=plain&titles=' wikipedia.art_url = 'https://' .. config.lang .. '.wikipedia.org/wiki/' end function wikipedia:action(msg, config) local input = utilities.input_from_msg(msg) if not input then utilities.send_reply(msg, wikipedia.doc, 'html') return end local jstr, code = HTTPS.request(wikipedia.search_url .. URL.escape(input)) if code ~= 200 then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.connection) return end local data = JSON.decode(jstr) if data.query.searchinfo.totalhits == 0 then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.results) return end local title for _, v in ipairs(data.query.search) do if not v.snippet:match('may refer to:') then title = v.title break end end if not title then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.results) return end local res_jstr, res_code = HTTPS.request(wikipedia.res_url .. URL.escape(title)) if res_code ~= 200 then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.connection) return end local _, text = next(JSON.decode(res_jstr).query.pages) if not text then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.results) return end text = text.extract -- Remove crap and take only the first paragraph. text = text:gsub('', ''):gsub('%[.+%]', '') local l = text:find('\n') if l then text = text:sub(1, l-1) end local url = wikipedia.art_url .. URL.escape(title) title = utilities.html_escape(title) -- If the beginning of the article is the title, embolden that. -- Otherwise, we'll add a title in bold. local short_title = title:gsub('%(.+%)', '') local combined_text, count = text:gsub('^'..short_title, ''..short_title..'') local body if count == 1 then body = combined_text else body = '' .. title .. '\n' .. text end local output = string.format( '%s\nRead more.', body, utilities.html_escape(url) ) utilities.send_message(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, 'html') end return wikipedia