-- This plugin will allow the admin to blacklist users who will be unable to -- use the bot. This plugin should be at the top of your plugin list in config. local blacklist = {} local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') function blacklist:init() if not self.database.blacklist then self.database.blacklist = {} end end blacklist.triggers = { '' } function blacklist:action(msg, config) if self.database.blacklist[tostring(msg.from.id)] then return end if self.database.blacklist[tostring(msg.chat.id)] then return end if not msg.text:match('^'..config.cmd_pat..'blacklist') then return true end if msg.from.id ~= config.admin then return end local target = utilities.user_from_message(self, msg) if target.err then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, target.err) return end if tonumber(target.id) < 0 then target.name = 'Group' end if self.database.blacklist[tostring(target.id)] then self.database.blacklist[tostring(target.id)] = nil utilities.send_reply(self, msg, target.name .. ' has been removed from the blacklist.') if config.drua_block_on_blacklist then require('drua-tg').unblock(target.id) end else self.database.blacklist[tostring(target.id)] = true utilities.send_reply(self, msg, target.name .. ' has been added to the blacklist.') if config.drua_block_on_blacklist then require('drua-tg').block(target.id) end end end return blacklist