local wikipedia = {} wikipedia.command = 'wiki ' function wikipedia:init(config) wikipedia.triggers = { "^/[Ww]iki(%w+) (search) (.+)$", "^/[Ww]iki (search) ?(.*)$", "^/[Ww]iki(%w+) (.+)$", "^/[Ww]iki ?(.*)$", "(%w+).wikipedia.org/wiki/(.+)" } wikipedia.inline_triggers = { "^wiki(%w+) (.+)", "^wiki (.+)" } wikipedia.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[wiki* __: Gibt Wikipedia-Artikel aus Alias: ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[wikipedia]] end local decodetext do local char, gsub, tonumber = string.char, string.gsub, tonumber local function _(hex) return char(tonumber(hex, 16)) end function decodetext(s) s = gsub(s, '%%(%x%x)', _) return s end end local server = { -- http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias wiki_server = "https://%s.wikipedia.org", wiki_path = "/w/api.php", wiki_load_params = { action = "query", prop = "extracts", format = "json", exchars = 350, exsectionformat = "plain", explaintext = "", redirects = "" }, wiki_search_params = { action = "query", list = "search", srlimit = 20, format = "json", }, default_lang = "de", } function wikipedia:getWikiServer(lang) return string.format(server.wiki_server, lang or server.default_lang) end --[[ -- return decoded json table from Wikipedia --]] function wikipedia:loadPage(text, lang, intro, plain, is_search) local request, sink = {}, {} local query = "" local parsed if is_search then for k,v in pairs(server.wiki_search_params) do query = query .. k .. '=' .. v .. '&' end parsed = URL.parse(wikipedia:getWikiServer(lang)) parsed.path = server.wiki_path parsed.query = query .. "srsearch=" .. URL.escape(text) else server.wiki_load_params.explaintext = plain and "" or nil for k,v in pairs(server.wiki_load_params) do query = query .. k .. '=' .. v .. '&' end parsed = URL.parse(wikipedia:getWikiServer(lang)) parsed.path = server.wiki_path parsed.query = query .. "titles=" .. URL.escape(text) end -- HTTP request request['url'] = URL.build(parsed) request['method'] = 'GET' request['sink'] = ltn12.sink.table(sink) local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == 'http' and http.request or https.request local code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, httpRequest(request)) if not headers or not sink then return nil end local content = table.concat(sink) if content ~= "" then local ok, result = pcall(json.decode, content) if ok and result then return result else return nil end else return nil end end -- extract intro passage in wiki page function wikipedia:wikintro(text, lang) local text = decodetext(text) local result = self:loadPage(text, lang, true, true) if result and result.query then local query = result.query if query and query.normalized then text = query.normalized[1].to or text end local page = query.pages[next(query.pages)] if page and page.extract then local lang = lang or "de" local title = page.title local title_enc = URL.escape(title) return '*'..title.."*:\n"..utilities.md_escape(page.extract), '{"inline_keyboard":[[{"text":"Artikel aufrufen","url":"https://'..lang..'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'..title_enc..'"}]]}' else local text = text.." nicht gefunden" return text end else return "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten." end end -- search for term in wiki function wikipedia:wikisearch(text, lang) local result = wiki:loadPage(text, lang, true, true, true) if result and result.query then local titles = "" for i,item in pairs(result.query.search) do titles = titles .. "\n" .. item["title"] end titles = titles ~= "" and titles or "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden" return titles else return "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten." end end function wikipedia:snip_snippet(snippet) local snippet = snippet:gsub("", "") local snippet = snippet:gsub("", "") return snippet end function wikipedia:inline_callback(inline_query, config, matches) if matches[2] then lang = matches[1] query = matches[2] else lang = 'de' query = matches[1] end local url = 'https://'..lang..'.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch='..URL.escape(query)..'&format=json&prop=extracts&srprop=snippet' local res, code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return end local data = json.decode(res).query if data.searchinfo.totalhits == 0 then return end local results = '[' for num in pairs(data.search) do local title = data.search[num].title results = results..'{"type":"article","id":"'..math.random(100000000000000000)..'","title":"'..title..'","description":"'..wikipedia:snip_snippet(data.search[num].snippet)..'","url":"https://'..lang..'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'..URL.escape(title)..'","thumb_url":"https://anditest.perseus.uberspace.de/inlineQuerys/wiki/logo.jpg","thumb_width":95,"thumb_height":86,"input_message_content":{"message_text":"https://'..lang..'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'..URL.escape(title)..'","disable_web_page_preview":true}}' if num < #data.search then results = results..',' end end local results = results..']' utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, results, 3600) end function wikipedia:action(msg, config, matches) local search, term, lang if matches[1] == "search" then search = true term = matches[2] lang = nil elseif matches[2] == "search" then search = true term = matches[3] lang = matches[1] else term = matches[2] lang = matches[1] end if not term then term = lang lang = nil end if term == "" then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, wikipedia.doc, true) return end local result if search then result = wikipedia:wikisearch(term, lang) else result, keyboard = wikipedia:wikintro(term, lang) end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, result, true, keyboard) end return wikipedia