--[[ bindings.lua (rev. 2016/05/28) otouto's bindings for the Telegram bot API. https://core.telegram.org/bots/api Copyright 2016 topkecleon. Published under the AGPLv3. See the "Bindings" section of README.md for usage information. ]]-- local bindings = {} local HTTPS = require('ssl.https') local JSON = require('dkjson') local ltn12 = require('ltn12') local MP_ENCODE = require('multipart-post').encode -- Build and send a request to the API. -- Expecting self, method, and parameters, where method is a string indicating -- the API method and parameters is a key/value table of parameters with their -- values. -- Returns the table response with success. Returns false and the table -- response with failure. Returns false and false with a connection error. -- To mimic old/normal behavior, it errs if used with an invalid method. function bindings:request(method, parameters, file) parameters = parameters or {} for k,v in pairs(parameters) do parameters[k] = tostring(v) end if file and next(file) ~= nil then local file_type, file_name = next(file) if not file_name then return false end if string.match(file_name, '/tmp/') then local file_file = io.open(file_name, 'r') local file_data = { filename = file_name, data = file_file:read('*a') } file_file:close() parameters[file_type] = file_data else local file_type, file_name = next(file) parameters[file_type] = file_name end end if next(parameters) == nil then parameters = {''} end local response = {} local body, boundary = MP_ENCODE(parameters) local success = HTTPS.request{ url = self.BASE_URL .. method, method = 'POST', headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" .. boundary, ["Content-Length"] = #body, }, source = ltn12.source.string(body), sink = ltn12.sink.table(response) } local data = table.concat(response) if not success then print(method .. ': Connection error.') return false, false else local result = JSON.decode(data) if not result then return false, false elseif result.ok then return result else assert(result.description ~= 'Method not found', method .. ': Method not found.') return false, result end end end function bindings.gen(_, key) return function(self, params, file) return bindings.request(self, key, params, file) end end setmetatable(bindings, { __index = bindings.gen }) return bindings