local doc = [[ /example [optional] Info about the plugin goes here. ]] local triggers = { '^/example', '^/e ' } local action = function(msg) do -- do stuff end local cron = function() do -- do stuff end return { doc = doc, triggers = triggers, action = action, cron = cron, typing = true } --[[ Here's an example plugin. "doc" is a string. It contains info on the plugin's usage. The first line should be only the command and its expected arguments. Arguments should be encased in <> if they are required, and [] if they are optional. The entire thing is sent as a message when "/help example" is used. "triggers" is a table of triggers. A trigger is a string that should pattern-match the desired input. "action" is the main function. It's what the plugin does. It takes a single argument, msg, which is a table of the contents of a message. "cron" is another function. It is run every five seconds without regard to triggers or messages. "typing" is a boolean. Set it to true if you want the bot to send a typing notification when the plugin is triggered. ]]--