-- Kickass Torrents -- Based on @Imandaneshi's torrent.lua -- https://github.com/Imandaneshi/Jack/blob/master/plugins/torrent.lua local doc = [[ /torrent Search Kickass Torrents. Results may be NSFW. ]] local triggers = { '^/torrent', '^/kickass' } local action = function(msg) local url = 'http://kat.cr/json.php?q=' local input = get_input(msg.text) if not input then return send_msg(msg, doc) end local jstr, res = HTTP.request(url..URL.escape(input)) if res ~= 200 then return send_msg(msg, config.locale.errors.connection) end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) if #jdat.total_results == 0 then return send_msg(msg, config.locale.errors.results) end local limit = 4 -- If the request is made in a PM, send 8 results instead of 4. if msg.chat.id == msg.from.id then limit = 8 end if #jdat.total_results < limit then -- If there are not that many results, do as many as possible. limit = #jdat.total_results end for i,v in ipairs(jdat.list) do -- Remove any entries that have zero seeds. if v.seeds == 0 then table.remove(jdat.list, i) end end if #jdat.list == 0 then return send_msg(msg, config.locale.errors.results) end local message = '' for i = 1, limit do local torrenturl = jdat.list[i].torrentLink:sub(1, jdat.list[i].torrentLink:find('?')-1) -- Clean up the torrent link. message = message .. jdat.list[i].title .. '\n' .. jdat.list[i].category .. ' | ' .. string.format('%.3f', jdat.list[i].size/1000000) .. 'MB | ' .. jdat.list[i].seeds .. 'S/' .. jdat.list[i].peers .. 'L\n' .. torrenturl .. '\n\n' end message = message:gsub('&', '&') send_msg(msg, message) end return { doc = doc, triggers = triggers, action = action, typing = true }