local bot = {} bindings = require('miku.bindings') utilities = require('miku.utilities') bot.version = '160816' function bot:init(config) -- The function run when the bot is started or reloaded. cred_data = load_cred() assert( config.bot_api_key, 'You did not set your bot token in the config!' ) self.BASE_URL = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' .. config.bot_api_key .. '/' -- Fetch bot information. Try until it succeeds. repeat print('Sammel Bot-Informationen...') self.info = bindings.getMe(self) until self.info self.info = self.info.result -- Load the "database"! ;) if not self.database then self.database = utilities.load_data(self.info.username..'.db') end self.plugins = {} -- Load plugins. enabled_plugins = load_plugins() for k,v in pairs(enabled_plugins) do local p = require('miku.plugins.'..v) -- print('loading plugin',v) self.plugins[k] = p self.plugins[k].name = v if p.init then p.init(self, config) end end print('Bot wurde erfolgreich gestartet!\n@' .. self.info.username .. ', AKA ' .. self.info.first_name ..' ('..self.info.id..')') -- Set loop variables self.last_update = self.last_update or 0 -- Update offset. self.last_cron = self.last_cron or os.date('%M') -- Last cron job. self.last_database_save = self.last_database_save or os.date('%H') -- Last db save. self.is_started = true -- and whether or not the bot should be running. end function bot:on_msg_receive(msg, config) -- The fn run whenever a message is received. -- remove comment to enable debugging -- vardump(msg) -- Cache user info for those involved. if msg.date < os.time() - 5 then return end -- Do not process old messages. msg = utilities.enrich_message(msg) if msg.reply_to_message then msg.reply_to_message.text = msg.reply_to_message.text or msg.reply_to_message.caption or '' end -- Support deep linking. if msg.text:match('^'..config.cmd_pat..'start .+') then msg.text = config.cmd_pat .. utilities.input(msg.text) msg.text_lower = msg.text:lower() end -- gsub out user name if multiple bots are in the same group if msg.text:match(config.cmd_pat..'([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)@'..self.info.username) then msg.text = string.gsub(msg.text, config.cmd_pat..'([A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)@'..self.info.username, "/%1") msg.text_lower = msg.text:lower() end msg = pre_process_msg(self, msg, config) if not msg then return end -- deleted by banning if is_service_msg(msg) then msg = service_modify_msg(msg) end for _, plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do match_plugins(self, msg, config, plugin) end end function bot:on_callback_receive(callback, msg, config) -- whenever a new callback is received -- remove comments to enable debugging -- vardump(msg) -- vardump(callback) if msg.date < os.time() - 1800 then -- Do not process old messages. utilities.answer_callback_query(self, callback, 'Nachricht älter als eine halbe Stunde, bitte sende den Befehl selbst noch einmal.', true) return end if not callback.data:find(':') or not callback.data:find('@'..self.info.username..' ') then return end -- Check if user is blocked local user_id = callback.from.id local chat_id = msg.chat.id if redis:get('blocked:'..user_id) then utilities.answer_callback_query(self, callback, 'Du darfst den Bot nicht nutzen!', true) return end -- Check if user is banned local banned = redis:get('banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id) if banned then utilities.answer_callback_query(self, callback, 'Du darfst den Bot nicht nutzen!', true) return end -- Check if whitelist is enabled and user/chat is whitelisted local whitelist = redis:get('whitelist:enabled') if whitelist and not is_sudo(msg, config) then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..user_id local allowed = redis:get(hash) or false if not allowed then if msg.chat.type == 'group' or msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then local allowed = redis:get('whitelist:chat#id'.. chat_id) if not allowed then utilities.answer_callback_query(self, callback, 'Du darfst den Bot nicht nutzen!', true) return end else utilities.answer_callback_query(self, callback, 'Du darfst den Bot nicht nutzen!', true) return end end end callback.data = string.gsub(callback.data, '@'..self.info.username..' ', "") local called_plugin = callback.data:match('(.*):.*') local param = callback.data:sub(callback.data:find(':')+1) print('Callback Query "'..param..'" für Plugin "'..called_plugin..'" ausgelöst von '..callback.from.first_name..' ('..callback.from.id..')') msg = utilities.enrich_message(msg) for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] if plugin.name == called_plugin then if is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin.name, msg) then return end plugin:callback(callback, msg, self, config, param) end end end -- NOTE: To enable InlineQuerys, send /setinline to @BotFather function bot:process_inline_query(inline_query, config) -- When an inline query is received -- remove comment to enable debugging -- vardump(inline_query) -- PLEASE READ: Blocking every single InlineQuery IS NOT POSSIBLE! -- When the request is cached, the user can still send this query -- but he WON'T be able to make new requests. local user_id = inline_query.from.id if redis:get('blocked:'..user_id) then utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, nil, 0, true) return end if not config.enable_inline_for_everyone then local is_whitelisted = redis:get('whitelist:user#id'..inline_query.from.id) if not is_whitelisted then utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, nil, 0, true) return end end if inline_query.query:match('"') then inline_query.query = inline_query.query:gsub('"', '\\"') end for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] match_inline_plugins(self, inline_query, config, plugin) end -- Stop the spinning circle utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, nil, 0, true) end function bot:run(config) bot.init(self, config) while self.is_started do -- Update loop local res = bindings.getUpdates(self, { timeout = 20, offset = self.last_update+1 } ) if res then -- Iterate over every new message. for n=1, #res.result do local v = res.result[n] self.last_update = v.update_id if v.inline_query then bot.process_inline_query(self, v.inline_query, config) elseif v.callback_query then bot.on_callback_receive(self, v.callback_query, v.callback_query.message, config) elseif v.message then bot.on_msg_receive(self, v.message, config) end end else print('Connection error while fetching updates.') end -- Run cron jobs every minute. if self.last_cron ~= os.date('%M') then self.last_cron = os.date('%M') utilities.save_data(self.info.username..'.db', self.database) -- Save the database. for n=1, #self.plugins do local v = self.plugins[n] if v.cron then -- Call each plugin's cron function, if it has one. local result, err = pcall(function() v.cron(self, config) end) if not result then utilities.handle_exception(self, err, 'CRON: ' .. n, config) end end end end if self.last_database_save ~= os.date('%H') then utilities.save_data(self.info.username..'.db', self.database) -- Save the database. self.last_database_save = os.date('%H') end end -- Save the database before exiting. utilities.save_data(self.info.username..'.db', self.database) print('Halted.') end -- Apply plugin.pre_process function function pre_process_msg(self, msg, config) for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] if plugin.pre_process and msg then -- print('Preprocess '..plugin.name) -- remove comment to restore old behaviour new_msg = plugin:pre_process(msg, self, config) end end return new_msg end function match_inline_plugins(self, inline_query, config, plugin) local match_table = plugin.inline_triggers or {} for n=1, #match_table do local trigger = plugin.inline_triggers[n] if string.match(string.lower(inline_query.query), trigger) then local success, result = pcall(function() for k, pattern in pairs(plugin.inline_triggers) do matches = match_pattern(pattern, inline_query.query) if matches then break; end end print('Inline: '..plugin.name..' ausgelöst') return plugin.inline_callback(self, inline_query, config, matches) end) end end end function match_plugins(self, msg, config, plugin) local match_table = plugin.triggers or {} for n=1, #match_table do local trigger = plugin.triggers[n] if string.match(msg.text_lower, trigger) then -- Check if Plugin is disabled if is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin.name, msg) then return end local success, result = pcall(function() -- trying to port matches to miku local pattern = plugin.triggers[n] local matches = match_pattern(pattern, msg.text) if matches then print('msg matches: ', pattern, ' for "'..plugin.name..'"') return plugin.action(self, msg, config, matches) end end) if not success then utilities.handle_exception(self, result, msg.from.id .. ': ' .. msg.text, config) return end -- if one pattern matches, end return end end end function is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, msg) local hash = get_redis_hash(msg, 'disabled_plugins') local disabled = redis:hget(hash, plugin_name) -- Plugin is disabled if disabled == 'true' then print('Plugin '..plugin_name..' ist in diesem Chat deaktiviert') return true else return false end end function load_plugins() enabled_plugins = redis:smembers('telegram:enabled_plugins') if not enabled_plugins[1] then create_plugin_set() end return enabled_plugins end -- create plugin set if it doesn't exist function create_plugin_set() enabled_plugins = { 'control', 'about', 'id', 'echo', 'banhammer', 'channels', 'plugins', 'help' } print ('Aktiviere Plugins und speicher in telegram:enabled_plugins') for _,plugin in pairs(enabled_plugins) do redis:sadd("telegram:enabled_plugins", plugin) end end function load_cred() if redis:exists("telegram:credentials") == false then -- If credentials hash doesnt exists print ("Neuer Credentials-Hash in telegram:credentials erstellt.") create_cred() end return redis:hgetall("telegram:credentials") end -- create credentials hash with redis function create_cred() cred = { bitly_access_token = "", cloudinary_apikey = "", cloudinary_api_secret = "", cloudinary_public_id = "", derpibooru_apikey = "", fb_access_token = "", flickr_apikey = "", forecastio_apikey = "", ftp_site = "", ftp_username = "", ftp_password = "", gender_apikey = "", golem_apikey = "", google_apikey = "", google_cse_id = "", gitlab_private_token = "", gitlab_project_id = "", instagram_access_token = "", lyricsnmusic_apikey = "", mal_username = "", mal_pw = "", neutrino_userid = "", neutrino_apikey = "", owm_apikey = "", page2images_restkey = "", plex_token = "", sankaku_username = "", sankaku_pw = "", soundcloud_client_id = "", tumblr_api_key = "", tw_consumer_key = "", tw_consumer_secret = "", tw_access_token = "", tw_access_token_secret = "", x_mashape_key = "", yandex_translate_apikey = "", yandex_rich_content_apikey = "", yourls_site_url = "", yourls_signature_token = "" } redis:hmset("telegram:credentials", cred) print ('Credentials gespeichert in telegram:credentials') end return bot