local command = 'nick ' local doc = [[``` /nick Set your nickname. Use "/nick --" to delete it. ```]] local triggers = { '^/nick[@'..bot.username..']*' } local action = function(msg) local target = msg.from if msg.from.id == config.admin and msg.reply_to_message then target = msg.reply_to_message.from target.id_str = tostring(target.id) target.name = target.first_name if target.last_name then target.name = target.first_name .. ' ' .. target.last_name end end local output local input = msg.text:input() if not input then if database.users[target.id_str].nickname then output = target.name .. '\'s nickname is "' .. database.users[target.id_str].nickname .. '".' else output = target.name .. ' currently has no nickname.' end elseif string.len(input) > 32 then output = 'The character limit for nicknames is 32.' elseif input == '--' or input == '—' then database.users[target.id_str].nickname = nil output = target.name .. '\'s nickname has been deleted.' else database.users[target.id_str].nickname = input output = target.name .. '\'s nickname has been set to "' .. input .. '".' end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, doc = doc, command = command }