local command = 'whoami' local doc = [[``` Returns user and chat info for you or the replied-to message. Alias: /who ```]] local triggers = { '^/who[ami]*[@'..bot.username..']*$' } local action = function(msg) if msg.reply_to_message then msg = msg.reply_to_message end if msg.from.last_name then msg.from.name = msg.from.first_name .. ' ' .. msg.from.last_name else msg.from.name = msg.from.first_name end local chat_id = math.abs(msg.chat.id) if chat_id > 1000000000000 then chat_id = chat_id - 1000000000000 end local user = 'You are @%s, also known as *%s* `[%s]`' if msg.from.username then user = user:format(msg.from.username, msg.from.name, msg.from.id) else user = 'You are *%s* `[%s]`,' user = user:format(msg.from.name, msg.from.id) end local group = '@%s, also known as *%s* `[%s]`.' if msg.chat.type == 'private' then group = group:format(bot.username, bot.first_name, bot.id) elseif msg.chat.username then group = group:format(msg.chat.username, msg.chat.title, chat_id) else group = '*%s* `[%s]`.' group = group:format(msg.chat.title, chat_id) end local output = user .. ', and you are messaging ' .. group sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, msg.message_id, true) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, doc = doc, command = command }