-- bindings.lua -- Bindings for the Telegram bot API. -- https://core.telegram.org/bots/api assert(HTTPS) assert(JSON) assert(URL) local BASE_URL = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' .. config.bot_api_key if config.bot_api_key == '' then error('You did not set your bot token in config.lua!') end sendRequest = function(url) local dat, res = HTTPS.request(url) local tab = JSON.decode(dat) if not tab.ok then return false, tab.description end return tab end getMe = function() local url = BASE_URL .. '/getMe' return sendRequest(url) end getUpdates = function(offset) local url = BASE_URL .. '/getUpdates?timeout=20' if offset then url = url .. '&offset=' .. offset end return sendRequest(url) end sendMessage = function(chat_id, text, disable_web_page_preview, reply_to_message_id, use_markdown, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendMessage?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&text=' .. URL.escape(text) if disable_web_page_preview == true then url = url .. '&disable_web_page_preview=true' end if reply_to_message_id then url = url .. '&reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id end if use_markdown then url = url .. '&parse_mode=Markdown' end if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end sendReply = function(msg, text) return sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text, true, msg.message_id) end sendChatAction = function(chat_id, action) -- Support actions are typing, upload_photo, record_video, upload_video, record_audio, upload_audio, upload_document, find_location local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendChatAction?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&action=' .. action return sendRequest(url) end sendLocation = function(chat_id, latitude, longitude, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) if latitude == 0 then latitude = 0.001 end if longitude == 0 then longitude = 0.001 end local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendLocation?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&latitude=' .. latitude .. '&longitude=' .. longitude if reply_to_message_id then url = url .. '&reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id end if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end sendVenue = function(chat_id, latitude, longitude, title, address, foursquare_id, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) if latitude == 0 then latitude = 0.001 end if longitude == 0 then longitude = 0.001 end local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendVenue?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&latitude=' .. latitude .. '&longitude=' .. longitude .. '&title=' .. title .. '&address=' .. address if foursquare_id then url = url .. '&foursquare_id=' .. foursquare_id end if reply_to_message_id then url = url .. '&reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id end if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end sendContact = function(chat_id, phone_number, first_name, last_name, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendContact?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&phone_number=' .. phone_number .. '&first_name=' .. first_name if last_name then url = url .. '&last_name=' .. last_name end if reply_to_message_id then url = url .. '&reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id end if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end forwardMessage = function(chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/forwardMessage?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&from_chat_id=' .. from_chat_id .. '&message_id=' .. message_id if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end kickChatMember = function(chat_id, user_id) local url = BASE_URL .. '/kickChatMember?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&user_id=' .. user_id return sendRequest(url) end unbanChatMember = function(chat_id, user_id) local url = BASE_URL .. '/unbanChatMember?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&user_id=' .. user_id return sendRequest(url) end -- TODO: More of this. sendPhotoID = function(chat_id, file_id, caption, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendPhoto?chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '&photo=' .. file_id if caption then url = url .. '&caption=' .. URL.escape(caption) end if reply_to_message_id then url = url .. '&reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id end if disable_notification then url = url .. '&disable_notification=true' end return sendRequest(url) end curlRequest = function(curl_command) -- Use at your own risk. Will not check for success. io.popen(curl_command) end sendPhoto = function(chat_id, photo, caption, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendPhoto' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "photo=@' .. photo .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if caption then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "caption=' .. caption .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end sendDocument = function(chat_id, document, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendDocument' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "document=@' .. document .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end sendSticker = function(chat_id, sticker, reply_to_message_id, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendSticker' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "sticker=@' .. sticker .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end sendAudio = function(chat_id, audio, reply_to_message_id, duration, performer, title, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendAudio' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "audio=@' .. audio .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if duration then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "duration=' .. duration .. '"' end if performer then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "performer=' .. performer .. '"' end if title then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "title=' .. title .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end sendVideo = function(chat_id, video, reply_to_message_id, duration, caption, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendVideo' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "video=@' .. video .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if caption then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "caption=' .. caption .. '"' end if duration then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "duration=' .. duration .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end sendVoice = function(chat_id, voice, reply_to_message_id, duration, disable_notification) local url = BASE_URL .. '/sendVoice' local curl_command = 'curl -s "' .. url .. '" -F "chat_id=' .. chat_id .. '" -F "voice=@' .. voice .. '"' if reply_to_message_id then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "reply_to_message_id=' .. reply_to_message_id .. '"' end if duration then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "duration=' .. duration .. '"' end if disable_notification then curl_command = curl_command .. ' -F "disable_notification=true"' end return curlRequest(curl_command) end