-- YOU NEED THE FOLLOWING FOLDERS: photo, document, video, voice -- PLEASE ADJUST YOUR PATH BELOW -- Save your bot api key in redis set telegram:credentials! local media_download = {} media_download.triggers = { '/nil' } function media_download:download_to_file_permanently(url, file_name) local respbody = {} local options = { url = url, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), redirect = false } local response = nil response = {https.request(options)} local code = response[2] local headers = response[3] local status = response[4] if code ~= 200 then return false end -- TODO: Save, when folder doesn't exist -- Create necessary folders in this folder! local file_path = "/home/YOURPATH/tmp/"..file_name file = io.open(file_path, "w+") file:write(table.concat(respbody)) file:close() print("Downloaded to: "..file_path) return true end function media_download:pre_process(msg, self) if msg.photo then local lv = #msg.photo -- find biggest photo, always the last value file_id = msg.photo[lv].file_id file_size = msg.photo[lv].file_size elseif msg.video then file_id = msg.video.file_id file_size = msg.video.file_size elseif msg.sticker then file_id = msg.sticker.file_id file_size = msg.sticker.file_size elseif msg.voice then file_id = msg.voice.file_id file_size = msg.voice.file_size elseif msg.audio then file_id = msg.audio.file_id file_size = msg.audio.file_size elseif msg.document then file_id = msg.document.file_id file_size = msg.document.file_size else return end if file_size > 19922944 then print('File is over 20 MB - can\'t download :(') return end -- Check if file has already been downloaded local already_downloaded = redis:sismember('telegram:file_id', file_id) if already_downloaded == true then print('File has already been downloaded in the past, skipping...') return end -- Saving file to the Telegram Cloud local request = bindings.request(self, 'getFile', { file_id = file_id } ) -- Getting file from the Telegram Cloud if not request then print('Download failed!') return end -- Use original filename for documents if msg.document then file_path = 'document/'..file_id..'-'..msg.document.file_name -- to not overwrite a file else file_path = request.result.file_path end -- Construct what we want local download_url = 'https://api.telegram.org/file/bot'..cred_data.bot_api_key..'/'..request.result.file_path local ok = media_download:download_to_file_permanently(download_url, file_path) if not ok then print('Download failed!') return end -- Save file_id to redis to prevent downloading the same file over and over when forwarding redis:sadd('telegram:file_id', file_id) return msg end function media_download:action(msg) end return media_download