local stats = {} function stats:init(config) stats.triggers = { "^/([Ss]tats)$", "^/([Ss]tats) (chat) (%-%d+)", "^/([Ss]tats) (chat) (%d+)" } stats.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[stats*: Zeigt Stats an *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[stats* _chat_ __: Stats für Chat-ID (nur Superuser) ]] end stats.command = 'stats' function stats:user_print_name(user) if user.name then return user.name end local text = '' if user.first_name then text = user.first_name..' ' end if user.last_name then text = text..user.last_name end return text end -- Returns a table with `name` and `msgs` function stats:get_msgs_user_chat(user_id, chat_id) local user_info = {} local uhash = 'user:'..user_id local user = redis:hgetall(uhash) local um_hash = 'msgs:'..user_id..':'..chat_id user_info.msgs = tonumber(redis:get(um_hash) or 0) user_info.name = stats:user_print_name(user) return user_info end function stats:chat_stats(chat_id) -- Users on chat local hash = 'chat:'..chat_id..':users' local users = redis:smembers(hash) local users_info = {} -- Get user info for i = 1, #users do local user_id = users[i] local user_info = stats:get_msgs_user_chat(user_id, chat_id) table.insert(users_info, user_info) end -- Get total message count local all_msgs = 0 for n, user in pairs(users_info) do local msg_num = users_info[n].msgs all_msgs = all_msgs + msg_num end -- Sort users by msgs number table.sort(users_info, function(a, b) if a.msgs and b.msgs then return a.msgs > b.msgs end end) local text = '' for k,user in pairs(users_info) do local msg_num = user.msgs local percent = tostring(round(msg_num / all_msgs * 100, 1)) text = text..user.name..': '..comma_value(msg_num)..' ('..percent:gsub('%.', ',')..'%)\n' end if text:isempty() then return 'Keine Stats für diesen Chat verfügbar!'end local text = text..'\nTOTAL: '..comma_value(all_msgs) return text end function stats:pre_process(msg) if msg.left_chat_member then -- delete user from redis set, but keep message count local hash = 'chat:'..msg.chat.id..':users' local user_id_left = msg.left_chat_member.id print('User '..user_id_left..' was kicked/left the chat, deleting them from redis set '..hash) redis:srem(hash, user_id_left) return msg end -- Ignore service msg if is_service_msg(msg) then print('Service message') return msg end -- Save user on Redis local hash = 'user:'..msg.from.id -- print('Saving user', hash) -- remove comment to restore old behaviour if msg.from.name then redis:hset(hash, 'name', msg.from.name) end if msg.from.first_name then redis:hset(hash, 'first_name', msg.from.first_name) end if msg.from.last_name then redis:hset(hash, 'last_name', msg.from.last_name) end -- Save stats on Redis if msg.chat.type ~= 'private' then -- User is on chat local hash = 'chat:'..msg.chat.id..':users' redis:sadd(hash, msg.from.id) end -- Total user msgs local hash = 'msgs:'..msg.from.id..':'..msg.chat.id redis:incr(hash) return msg end function stats:action(msg, config, matches) if matches[1]:lower() == "stats" then if not matches[2] then if msg.chat.type == 'private' then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Stats funktionieren nur in Chats!') return else local chat_id = msg.chat.id utilities.send_reply(msg, stats:chat_stats(chat_id), 'HTML') return end end if matches[2] == "chat" then if msg.from.id ~= config.admin then utilities.send_reply(msg, config.errors.sudo, true) return else utilities.send_reply(msg, stats:chat_stats(matches[3]), 'HTML') return end end end end return stats