-- For some reason you can't have an é in variable names. :( local pokemon_go = {} local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') pokemon_go.command = 'pokego ' function pokemon_go:init(config) pokemon_go.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat) :t('pokego', true):t('pokégo', true) :t('pokemongo', true):t('pokémongo', true).table pokemon_go.doc = [[``` ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[pokego Set your Pokémon Go team for statistical purposes. The team must be valid, and can be referred to by name or color (or the first letter of either). Giving no team name will show statistics. ```]] local db = self.database.pokemon_go if not db then self.database.pokemon_go = {} db = self.database.pokemon_go end if not db.membership then db.membership = {} end end local team_ref = { mystic = "Mystic", m = "Mystic", valor = "Valor", v = "Valor", instinct = "Instinct", i = "Instinct", blue = "Mystic", b = "Mystic", red = "Valor", r = "Valor", yellow = "Instinct", y = "Instinct" } function pokemon_go:action(msg, config) local output local input = utilities.input(msg.text_lower) if input then local team = team_ref[input] if not team then output = 'Invalid team.' else local id_str = tostring(msg.from.id) local db = self.database.pokemon_go local db_membership = db.membership if not db_membership[team] then db_membership[team] = utilities.new_set() end for t, set in pairs(db_membership) do if t ~= team then set:remove(id_str) else set:add(id_str) end end output = 'Your team is now '..team..'.' end else local db = self.database.pokemon_go local db_membership = db.membership local output_temp = {'Membership:'} for t, set in pairs(db_membership) do table.insert(output_temp, t..': '..#set) end output = table.concat(output_temp, '\n') end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, output) end return pokemon_go