local id = {} id.command = 'id' function id:init(config) id.triggers = { "^/id$", "^/ids? (chat)$" } id.doc = [[``` Returns user and chat info for you or the replied-to message. Alias: ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[who ```]] end function id:get_member_count(self, msg, chat_id) return bindings.request(self, 'getChatMembersCount', { chat_id = chat_id } ) end function id:user_print_name(user) -- Yes, copied from stats plugin if user.name then return user.name end local text = '' if user.first_name then text = user.last_name..' ' end if user.lastname then text = text..user.last_name end return text end function id:get_user(user_id, chat_id) local user_info = {} local uhash = 'user:'..user_id local user = redis:hgetall(uhash) user_info.name = id:user_print_name(user) user_info.id = user_id return user_info end function id:action(msg) if matches[1] == "/id" then if msg.reply_to_message then msg = msg.reply_to_message msg.from.name = utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) end local chat_id = msg.chat.id local user = 'Du bist @%s, auch bekannt als *%s* `[%s]`' if msg.from.username then user = user:format(utilities.markdown_escape(msg.from.username), msg.from.name, msg.from.id) else user = 'Du bist *%s* `[%s]`,' user = user:format(msg.from.name, msg.from.id) end local group = '@%s, auch bekannt als *%s* `[%s]`.' if msg.chat.type == 'private' then group = group:format(utilities.markdown_escape(self.info.username), self.info.first_name, self.info.id) elseif msg.chat.username then group = group:format(utilities.markdown_escape(msg.chat.username), msg.chat.title, chat_id) else group = '*%s* `[%s]`.' group = group:format(msg.chat.title, chat_id) end local output = user .. ', und du bist in der Gruppe ' .. group utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, output, true, msg.message_id, true) elseif matches[1] == "chat" then if msg.chat.type ~= 'group' and msg.chat.type ~= 'supergroup' then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Das hier ist keine Gruppe!') return end local chat_name = msg.chat.title local chat_id = msg.chat.id -- Users on chat local hash = 'chat:'..chat_id..':users' local users = redis:smembers(hash) local users_info = {} -- Get user info for i = 1, #users do local user_id = users[i] local user_info = id:get_user(user_id, chat_id) table.insert(users_info, user_info) end -- get all administrators and the creator local administrators = utilities.get_chat_administrators(self, chat_id) local admins = {} for num in pairs(administrators.result) do if administrators.result[num].status ~= 'creator' then table.insert(admins, tostring(administrators.result[num].user.id)) else creator_id = administrators.result[num].user.id end end local result = id:get_member_count(self, msg, chat_id) local member_count = result.result if member_count == 1 then member_count = 'ist *1 Mitglied' else member_count = 'sind *'..member_count..' Mitglieder' end local text = 'IDs für *'..chat_name..'* `['..chat_id..']`\nHier '..member_count..':*\n---------\n' for k,user in pairs(users_info) do if table.contains(admins, tostring(user.id)) then text = text..'*'..user.name..'* `['..user.id..']` _Administrator_\n' elseif tostring(creator_id) == user.id then text = text..'*'..user.name..'* `['..user.id..']` _Gründer_\n' else text = text..'*'..user.name..'* `['..user.id..']`\n' end end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, text..'_(Bots sind nicht gelistet)_', true) end end return id