local isup = {} function isup:init(config) isup.triggers = { "^/isup (.*)$", "^/ping (.*)$" } isup.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[isup* __: Prüft, ob die URL up ist]] end function isup:is_up_socket(ip, port) print('Connect to', ip, port) local c = socket.try(socket.tcp()) c:settimeout(3) local conn = c:connect(ip, port) if not conn then return false else c:close() return true end end function isup:is_up_http(url) -- Parse URL from input, default to http local parsed_url = URL.parse(url, { scheme = 'http', authority = '' }) -- Fix URLs without subdomain not parsed properly if not parsed_url.host and parsed_url.path then parsed_url.host = parsed_url.path parsed_url.path = "" end -- Re-build URL local url = URL.build(parsed_url) local protocols = { ["https"] = https, ["http"] = http } local options = { url = url, redirect = false, method = "GET" } local response = { protocols[parsed_url.scheme].request(options) } local code = tonumber(response[2]) if code == nil or code >= 400 then return false end return true end function isup:isup(url) local pattern = '^(%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?):?(%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?)$' local ip,port = string.match(url, pattern) local result = nil -- /isup if ip then port = port or '80' result = isup:is_up_socket(ip, port) else result = isup:is_up_http(url) end return result end function isup:action(msg, config) if isup:isup(matches[1]) then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, matches[1]..' ist UP! ✅') return else utilities.send_reply(self, msg, matches[1]..' ist DOWN! ❌') return end end return isup