local nick = {} local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') nick.command = 'nick ' function nick:init(config) nick.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username, config.cmd_pat):t('nick', true).table nick.doc = config.cmd_pat .. [[nick Set your nickname. Use "]] .. config.cmd_pat .. 'nick --" to delete it.' end function nick:action(msg, config) local id_str, name if msg.from.id == config.admin and msg.reply_to_message then id_str = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id) name = utilities.build_name(msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name, msg.reply_to_message.from.last_name) else id_str = tostring(msg.from.id) name = utilities.build_name(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name) end self.database.userdata[id_str] = self.database.userdata[id_str] or {} local output local input = utilities.input(msg.text) if not input then if self.database.userdata[id_str].nickname then output = name .. '\'s nickname is "' .. self.database.userdata[id_str].nickname .. '".' else output = name .. ' currently has no nickname.' end elseif utilities.utf8_len(input) > 32 then output = 'The character limit for nicknames is 32.' elseif input == '--' or input == utilities.char.em_dash then self.database.userdata[id_str].nickname = nil output = name .. '\'s nickname has been deleted.' else input = input:gsub('\n', ' ') self.database.userdata[id_str].nickname = input output = name .. '\'s nickname has been set to "' .. input .. '".' end utilities.send_reply(msg, output) end return nick