local PLUGIN = {} PLUGIN.doc = [[ /btc [amount] Gives bitcoin prices for the given currency, and optionally conversion of an amount to and from that currency. BitcoinAverage Price Index https://bitcoinaverage.com/ ]] PLUGIN.triggers = { '^/btc' } function PLUGIN.action(msg) local url = nil local arg1 = 'USD' local arg2 = 1 local jstr, res = HTTPS.request('https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/ticker/global/') if res ~= 200 then return send_msg(msg, 'Connection error.') end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) local input = get_input(msg.text) if input then arg1 = string.upper(string.sub(input, 1, 3)) arg2 = string.sub(input, 5) if not tonumber(arg2) then return send_msg(msg, 'Invalid argument.') end end for k,v in pairs(jdat) do if k == arg1 then url = v .. '/' break end end if url then jstr, b = HTTPS.request(url) else return send_msg(msg, 'Error: Currency not found.') end jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) local m = arg2 .. ' BTC = ' .. jdat['24h_avg']*arg2 ..' '.. arg1 .. '\n' m = m .. arg2 ..' '.. arg1 .. ' = ' .. string.format("%.8f", arg2/jdat['24h_avg']) .. ' BTC' send_msg(msg, m) end return PLUGIN