local yourls = {} function yourls:init(config) if not cred_data.yourls_site_url then print('Missing config value: yourls_site_url.') print('yourls.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.yourls_signature_token then print('Missing config value: yourls_signature_token.') print('yourls.lua will not be enabled.') return end yourls.triggers = { "^/yourls (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)" } end local SITE_URL = cred_data.yourls_site_url local signature = cred_data.yourls_signature_token local BASE_URL = SITE_URL..'/yourls-api.php' function yourls:prot_url(url) local url, h = string.gsub(url, "http://", "") local url, hs = string.gsub(url, "https://", "") local protocol = "http" if hs == 1 then protocol = "https" end return url, protocol end function yourls:create_yourls_link(long_url, protocol) local url = BASE_URL..'?format=simple&signature='..signature..'&action=shorturl&url='..long_url if protocol == "http" then link,code = http.request(url) else link,code = https.request(url) end if code ~= 200 then link = 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. '..link end return link end function yourls:action(msg, config, matches) local long_url = matches[1] local baseurl, protocol = yourls:prot_url(SITE_URL) utilities.send_reply(msg, yourls:create_yourls_link(long_url, protocol)) return end return yourls