-- Moderation for Liberbot groups. -- The bot must be made an admin. -- Put this near the top, after blacklist. -- If you want to enable antisquig, put that at the top, before blacklist. if not database.moderation then database.moderation = {} end antisquig = {} local commands = { ['^/modhelp[@'..bot.username..']*$'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end local message = [[ /modlist - List the moderators and administrators of this group. Moderator commands: /modkick - Kick a user from this group. /modban - Ban a user from this group. Administrator commands: /modadd - Add this group to the moderation system. /modrem - Remove this group from the moderation system. /modprom - Promote a user to a moderator. /moddem - Demote a moderator to a user. /modcast - Send a broadcast to every moderated group. ]] return message end, ['^/modlist[@'..bot.username..']*$'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end local message = '' for k,v in pairs(database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str]) do message = message .. ' - ' .. v .. ' (' .. k .. ')\n' end if message ~= '' then message = 'Moderators for ' .. msg.chat.title .. ':\n' .. message .. '\n' end message = message .. 'Administrators for ' .. config.moderation.realm_name .. ':\n' for k,v in pairs(config.moderation.admins) do message = message .. ' - ' .. v .. ' (' .. k .. ')\n' end return message end, ['^/modcast[@'..bot.username..']*'] = function(msg) local message = msg.text:input() if not message then return 'You must include a message.' end if msg.chat.id ~= config.moderation.admin_group then return 'This command must be run in the administration group.' end if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_admin end for k,v in pairs(database.moderation) do sendMessage(k, message) end return 'Your broadcast has been sent.' end, ['^/modadd[@'..bot.username..']*$'] = function(msg) if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_admin end if database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return 'I am already moderating this group.' end database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] = {} return 'I am now moderating this group.' end, ['^/modrem[@'..bot.username..']*$'] = function(msg) if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_admin end if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return config.errors.moderation end database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] = nil return 'I am no longer moderating this group.' end, ['^/modprom[@'..bot.username..']*$'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_admin end if not msg.reply_to_message then return 'Promotions must be done via reply.' end local modid = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id) local modname = msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name if config.moderation.admins[modid] then return modname .. ' is already an administrator.' end if database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][modid] then return modname .. ' is already a moderator.' end database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][modid] = modname return modname .. ' is now a moderator.' end, ['^/moddem[@'..bot.username..']*'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_admin end local modid = msg.text:input() if not modid then if msg.reply_to_message then modid = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id) else return 'Demotions must be done via reply or specification of a moderator\'s ID.' end end if config.moderation.admins[modid] then return config.moderation.admins[modid] .. ' is an administrator.' end if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][modid] then return 'User is not a moderator.' end local modname = database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][modid] database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][modid] = nil return modname .. ' is no longer a moderator.' end, ['/modkick[@'..bot.username..']*'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][msg.from.id_str] then if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_mod end end local userid = msg.text:input() local usernm = userid if msg.reply_to_message then userid = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id) usernm = msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name end if not userid then return 'Kicks must be done via reply or specification of a user/bot\'s ID or username.' end if database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][userid] or config.moderation.admins[userid] then return 'You cannot kick a moderator.' end sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, '/kick ' .. userid .. ' from ' .. math.abs(msg.chat.id)) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, usernm .. ' kicked from ' .. msg.chat.title .. ' by ' .. msg.from.first_name .. '.') end, ['^/modban[@'..bot.username..']*'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return end if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][msg.from.id_str] then if not config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return config.errors.not_mod end end local userid = msg.text:input() local usernm = userid if msg.reply_to_message then userid = tostring(msg.reply_to_message.from.id) usernm = msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name end if not userid then return 'Kicks must be done via reply or specification of a user/bot\'s ID or username.' end if database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][userid] or config.moderation.admins[userid] then return 'You cannot ban a moderator.' end sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, '/ban ' .. userid .. ' from ' .. math.abs(msg.chat.id)) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, usernm .. ' banned from ' .. msg.chat.title .. ' by ' .. msg.from.first_name .. '.') end } if config.antisquig then commands['[\216-\219][\128-\191]'] = function(msg) if not database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str] then return true end if config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return true end if database.moderation[msg.chat.id_str][msg.from.id_str] then return true end if antisquig[msg.from.id] == true then return end antisquig[msg.from.id] = true sendReply(msg, config.errors.antisquig) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, '/kick ' .. msg.from.id .. ' from ' .. math.abs(msg.chat.id)) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, 'ANTISQUIG: ' .. msg.from.first_name .. ' kicked from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.') end end local triggers = {} for k,v in pairs(commands) do table.insert(triggers, k) end local action = function(msg) for k,v in pairs(commands) do if string.match(msg.text_lower, k) then local output = v(msg) if output == true then return true elseif output then sendReply(msg, output) end return end end return true end -- When a user is kicked for squigglies, his ID is added to this table. -- That user will not be kicked again as long as his ID is in the table. -- The table is emptied every five seconds. -- Thus the bot will not spam the group or admin group when a user posts more than one infringing messages. local cron = function() antisquig = {} end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, cron = cron }