-- An extension to moderation.lua. This plugin is useless without it. -- Put this at the very top of your plugin list, even before blacklist.lua. -- Developed by the incredible JuanPotato, creator of the Python CLI bot Botato. antisquig = {} local triggers = { '[\216-\219][\128-\191]' } local action = function(msg) local moddat = load_data('moderation.json') if not moddat[msg.chat.id_str] then return true end if moddat[msg.chat.id_str][msg.from.id_str] or config.moderation.admins[msg.from.id_str] then return true end if antisquig[msg.from.id] == true then return end antisquig[msg.from.id] = true sendReply(msg, config.errors.antisquig) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, '/kick ' .. msg.from.id .. ' from ' .. math.abs(msg.chat.id)) sendMessage(config.moderation.admin_group, 'ANTISQUIG: ' .. msg.from.first_name .. ' kicked from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.') end -- When a user is kicked for squigglies, his ID is added to this table. -- That user will not be kicked again as long as his ID is in the table. -- The table is emptied every five seconds. -- Thus the bot will not spam the group or admin group when a user posts more than one infringing messages. local cron = function() antisquig = {} end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, cron = cron }