local command = 'roll ' local doc = [[``` /roll Returns a set of dice rolls, where n is the number of rolls and r is the range. If only a range is given, returns only one roll. ```]] local triggers = { '^/roll[@'..bot.username..']*' } local action = function(msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text_lower) if not input then sendMessage(msg.chat.id, doc, true, msg.message_id, true) return end local count, range if input:match('^[%d]+d[%d]+$') then count, range = input:match('([%d]+)d([%d]+)') elseif input:match('^d?[%d]+$') then count = 1 range = input:match('^d?([%d]+)$') else sendMessage(msg.chat.id, doc, true, msg.message_id, true) return end count = tonumber(count) range = tonumber(range) if range < 2 then sendReply(msg, 'The minimum range is 2.') return end if range > 1000 or count > 1000 then sendReply(msg, 'The maximum range and count are 1000.') return end local output = '*' .. count .. 'd' .. range .. '*\n`' for i = 1, count do output = output .. math.random(range) .. '\t' end output = output .. '`' sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, msg.message_id, true) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, doc = doc, command = command }