local command = 'xkcd [query]' local doc = [[``` /xkcd [query] Returns an xkcd strip and its alt text. If there is no query, it will be randomized. ```]] local triggers = { '^/xkcd[@'..bot.username..']*' } local action = function(msg) local input = utilities.input(msg.text) local jstr, res = HTTP.request('http://xkcd.com/info.0.json') if res ~= 200 then sendReply(msg, config.errors.connection) return end local latest = JSON.decode(jstr).num local res_url if input then local url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&safe=active&q=site%3axkcd%2ecom%20' .. URL.escape(input) local jstr, res = HTTPS.request(url) if res ~= 200 then sendReply(msg, config.errors.connection) return end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) if #jdat.responseData.results == 0 then sendReply(msg, config.errors.results) return end res_url = jdat.responseData.results[1].url .. 'info.0.json' else res_url = 'http://xkcd.com/' .. math.random(latest) .. '/info.0.json' end local jstr, res = HTTP.request(res_url) if res ~= 200 then sendReply(msg, config.errors.connection) return end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) local output = '[' .. jdat.num .. '](' .. jdat.img .. ')\n' .. jdat.alt sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, false, nil, true) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, doc = doc, command = command }