dilbert = dilbert or {}
local command = 'dilbert [date]'
local doc = [[```
/dilbert [YYYY-MM-DD]
Returns the latest Dilbert strip or that of the provided date.
Dates before the first strip will return the first strip. Dates after the last trip will return the last strip.
Source: dilbert.com
local triggers = {
local action = function(msg)
sendChatAction(msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo')
local input = msg.text:input()
if not input then input = os.date('%F') end
if not input:match('^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$') then input = os.date('%F') end
local url = 'http://dilbert.com/strip/' .. URL.escape(input)
local str, res = HTTP.request(url)
if res ~= 200 then
sendReply(msg, config.errors.connection)
if not dilbert[input] then
local strip_url = str:match('')
dilbert[input] = download_file(strip_url, '/tmp/' .. input .. '.gif')
local strip_title = str:match('')
sendPhoto(msg.chat.id, dilbert[input], strip_title)
return {
command = command,
doc = doc,
triggers = triggers,
action = action