local forecast = {} local HTTPS = require('ssl.https') local URL = require('socket.url') local JSON = require('dkjson') local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') local bindings = require('otouto.bindings') local redis = (loadfile "./otouto/redis.lua")() function forecast:init(config) if not cred_data.forecastio_apikey then print('Missing config value: forecastio_apikey.') print('weather.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.google_apikey then print('Missing config value: google_apikey.') print('weather.lua will not be enabled.') return end forecast.triggers = { "^(/f)$", "^(/f) (.*)$", "^(/fh)$", "^(/fh) (.*)$", "^(/forecast)$", "^(/forecast) (.*)$", "^(/forecasth)$", "^(/forecasth) (.*)$" } forecast.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[f*: Wettervorhersage für deinen Wohnort _(/location set )_ *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[f* __: Wettervorhersage für diesen Ort *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[fh*: 24-Stunden-Wettervorhersage für deine Stadt _(/location set [Ort]_ *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[fh* __: 24-Stunden-Wettervorhersage für diesen Ort ]] end forecast.command = 'forecast' local BASE_URL = "https://api.forecast.io/forecast" local apikey = cred_data.forecastio_apikey local google_apikey = cred_data.google_apikey function get_city_name(lat, lng) local city = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:pretty_names', lat..','..lng) if city then return city end local url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng='..lat..','..lng..'&result_type=political&language=de&key='..google_apikey local res, code = HTTPS.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return 'Unbekannte Stadt' end local data = JSON.decode(res).results[1] local city = data.formatted_address print('Setting '..lat..','..lng..' in redis hash telegram:cache:weather:pretty_names to "'..city..'"') redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:pretty_names', lat..','..lng, city) return city end function get_condition_symbol(weather, n) if weather.data[n].icon == 'clear-day' then return '☀️' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'clear-night' then return '🌙' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'rain' then return '☔️' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'snow' then return '❄️' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'sleet' then return '🌨' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'wind' then return '💨' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'fog' then return '🌫' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'cloudy' then return '☁️☁️' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'partly-cloudy-day' then return '🌤' elseif weather.data[n].icon == 'partly-cloudy-night' then return '🌙☁️' else return '' end end function get_temp(weather, n, hourly) if hourly then local temperature = string.gsub(round(weather.data[n].temperature, 1), "%.", ",") local condition = weather.data[n].summary return temperature..'°C | '..get_condition_symbol(weather, n)..' '..condition else local day = string.gsub(round(weather.data[n].temperatureMax, 1), "%.", ",") local night = string.gsub(round(weather.data[n].temperatureMin, 1), "%.", ",") local condition = weather.data[n].summary return '☀️ '..day..'°C | 🌙 '..night..'°C | '..get_condition_symbol(weather, n)..' '..condition end end function forecast:get_forecast(lat, lng) print('Finde Wetter in '..lat..', '..lng) local text = redis:get('telegram:cache:forecast:'..lat..','..lng) if text then print('...aus dem Cache..') return text end local url = BASE_URL..'/'..apikey..'/'..lat..','..lng..'?lang=de&units=si&exclude=currently,minutely,hourly,alerts,flags' local response_body = {} local request_constructor = { url = url, method = "GET", sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body) } local ok, response_code, response_headers, response_status_line = HTTPS.request(request_constructor) if not ok then return nil end local data = JSON.decode(table.concat(response_body)) local ttl = string.sub(response_headers["cache-control"], 9) local weather = data.daily local city = get_city_name(lat, lng) local header = '*Vorhersage für '..city..':*\n_'..weather.summary..'_\n' local text = '*Heute:* '..get_temp(weather, 1) local text = text..'\n*Morgen:* '..get_temp(weather, 2) for day in pairs(weather.data) do if day > 2 then text = text..'\n*'..convert_timestamp(weather.data[day].time, '%a, %d.%m')..'*: '..get_temp(weather, day) end end local text = string.gsub(text, "Mon", "Mo") local text = string.gsub(text, "Tue", "Di") local text = string.gsub(text, "Wed", "Mi") local text = string.gsub(text, "Thu", "Do") local text = string.gsub(text, "Fri", "Fr") local text = string.gsub(text, "Sat", "Sa") local text = string.gsub(text, "Sun", "So") cache_data('forecast', lat..','..lng, header..text, tonumber(ttl), 'key') return header..text end function forecast:get_forecast_hourly(lat, lng) print('Finde stündliches Wetter in '..lat..', '..lng) local text = redis:get('telegram:cache:forecast:'..lat..','..lng..':hourly') if text then print('...aus dem Cache..') return text end local url = BASE_URL..'/'..apikey..'/'..lat..','..lng..'?lang=de&units=si&exclude=currently,minutely,daily,alerts,flags' local response_body = {} local request_constructor = { url = url, method = "GET", sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body) } local ok, response_code, response_headers, response_status_line = HTTPS.request(request_constructor) if not ok then return nil end local data = JSON.decode(table.concat(response_body)) local ttl = string.sub(response_headers["cache-control"], 9) local weather = data.hourly local city = get_city_name(lat, lng) local header = '*24-Stunden-Vorhersage für '..city..':*\n_'..weather.summary..'_' local text = "" for hour in pairs(weather.data) do if hour < 26 then text = text..'\n*'..convert_timestamp(weather.data[hour].time, '%H:%M Uhr')..'* | '..get_temp(weather, hour, true) end end cache_data('forecast', lat..','..lng..':hourly', header..text, tonumber(ttl), 'key') return header..text end function forecast:action(msg, config, matches) local user_id = msg.from.id local city = get_location(user_id) if matches[2] then city = matches[2] else local set_location = get_location(user_id) if not set_location then city = 'Berlin, Deutschland' else city = set_location end end local lat = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat') local lng = redis:hget('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng') if not lat and not lng then print('Koordinaten nicht eingespeichert, frage Google...') coords = utilities.get_coords(city, config) lat = coords.lat lng = coords.lon end if not lat and not lng then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, '*Diesen Ort gibt es nicht!*', true) return end redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lat', lat) redis:hset('telegram:cache:weather:'..string.lower(city), 'lng', lng) if matches[1] == '/forecasth' or matches[1] == '/fh' then text = forecast:get_forecast_hourly(lat, lng) else text = forecast:get_forecast(lat, lng) end if not text then text = '*Konnte die Wettervorhersage für diese Stadt nicht bekommen.*' end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, text, true) end return forecast