-- Put this absolutely at the end, even after greetings.lua. local triggers = { '', '^' .. bot.first_name .. ',', '^@' .. bot.username .. ',' } local action = function(msg) if msg.text == '' then return end -- This is awkward, but if you have a better way, please share. if msg.text_lower:match('^' .. bot.first_name .. ',') then elseif msg.text_lower:match('^@' .. bot.username .. ',') then -- Uncomment the following line for Al Gore-like reply chatter. -- elseif msg.reply_to_message and msg.reply_to_message.from.id == bot.id then elseif msg.from.id == msg.chat.id then else return true end sendChatAction(msg.chat.id, 'typing') local input = msg.text_lower input = input:gsub(bot.first_name, 'simsimi') input = input:gsub('@'..bot.username, 'simsimi') local url = 'http://www.simsimi.com/requestChat?lc=en&ft=1.0&req=' .. URL.escape(input) local jstr, res = HTTP.request(url) if res ~= 200 then sendMessage(msg.chat.id, config.errors.chatter_connection) return end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) local message = jdat.res.msg if message:match('^I HAVE NO RESPONSE.') then message = config.errors.chatter_response end -- Let's clean up the response a little. Capitalization & punctuation. local filter = { ['%aimi?%aimi?'] = bot.first_name, ['^%s*(.-)%s*$'] = '%1', ['^%l'] = string.upper, ['USER'] = msg.from.first_name } for k,v in pairs(filter) do message = string.gsub(message, k, v) end if not string.match(message, '%p$') then message = message .. '.' end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, message) end return { action = action, triggers = triggers }