local twitter = {} function twitter:init(config) if not cred_data.tw_consumer_key then print('Missing config value: tw_consumer_key.') print('twitter.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.tw_consumer_secret then print('Missing config value: tw_consumer_secret.') print('twitter.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.tw_access_token then print('Missing config value: tw_access_token.') print('twitter.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.tw_access_token_secret then print('Missing config value: tw_access_token_secret.') print('twitter.lua will not be enabled.') return end twitter.triggers = { 'twitter.com/[^/]+/statuse?s?/([0-9]+)', 'twitter.com/statuse?s?/([0-9]+)' } twitter.doc = [[*Twitter-Link*: Postet Tweet]] end local consumer_key = cred_data.tw_consumer_key local consumer_secret = cred_data.tw_consumer_secret local access_token = cred_data.tw_access_token local access_token_secret = cred_data.tw_access_token_secret local client = OAuth.new(consumer_key, consumer_secret, { RequestToken = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token", AuthorizeUser = {"https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize", method = "GET"}, AccessToken = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token" }, { OAuthToken = access_token, OAuthTokenSecret = access_token_secret }) function twitter:action(msg, config, matches) if not matches[2] then id = matches[1] else id = matches[2] end local twitter_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show/" .. id.. ".json" local response_code, response_headers, response_status_line, response_body = client:PerformRequest("GET", twitter_url) local response = json.decode(response_body) local full_name = response.user.name local user_name = response.user.screen_name if response.user.verified then verified = ' ✅' else verified = '' end local header = 'Tweet von '..full_name..' (@' ..user_name..''..verified..'):' local text = response.text -- favorites & retweets if response.retweet_count == 0 then retweets = "" else retweets = response.retweet_count..'x retweeted' end if response.favorite_count == 0 then favorites = "" else favorites = response.favorite_count..'x favorisiert' end if retweets == "" and favorites ~= "" then footer = ''..favorites..'' elseif retweets ~= "" and favorites == "" then footer = ''..retweets..'' elseif retweets ~= "" and favorites ~= "" then footer = ''..retweets..' - '..favorites..'' else footer = "" end -- replace short URLs if response.entities.urls then for k, v in pairs(response.entities.urls) do local short = v.url local long = v.expanded_url local long = long:gsub('%%', '%%%%') text = text:gsub(short, long) end end -- remove images local images = {} local videos = {} if response.entities.media and response.extended_entities.media then for k, v in pairs(response.extended_entities.media) do local url = v.url if v.video_info then if v.video_info.variants[#v.video_info.variants].bitrate == 2176000 then local vid = v.video_info.variants[#v.video_info.variants].url videos[#videos+1] = vid else local vid = v.video_info.variants[1].url videos[#videos+1] = vid end else images[#images+1] = v.media_url_https end text = text:gsub(url, '') end end -- quoted tweet if response.quoted_status then local quoted_text = response.quoted_status.text local quoted_name = response.quoted_status.user.name local quoted_screen_name = response.quoted_status.user.screen_name if response.quoted_status.user.verified then quoted_verified = ' ✅' else quoted_verified = '' end quote = 'Als Antwort auf '..quoted_name..' (@' ..quoted_screen_name..''..quoted_verified..'):\n'..quoted_text text = text..'\n\n'..quote..'\n' end -- send the parts utilities.send_reply(msg, header .. "\n" .. utilities.trim(text).."\n"..footer, 'HTML') for k, v in pairs(images) do local file = download_to_file(v) utilities.send_photo(msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end for k, v in pairs(videos) do local file = download_to_file(v) utilities.send_video(msg.chat.id, file, nil, msg.message_id) end end return twitter