-- Liberbot-compliant floodcontrol. -- Put this after moderation.lua or blacklist.lua. floodcontrol = floodcontrol or {} local triggers = { '' } local action = function(msg) if floodcontrol[-msg.chat.id] then return end local input = msg.text_lower:match('^/floodcontrol[@'..bot.username..']* (.+)') if not input then return true end if msg.from.id ~= 100547061 and msg.from.id ~= config.admin then return -- Only run for Liberbot or the admin. end input = JSON.decode(input) if not input.groupid then return end if not input.duration then input.duration = 600 end floodcontrol[input.groupid] = os.time() + input.duration print(input.groupid .. ' silenced for ' .. input.duration .. ' seconds.') end local cron = function() for k,v in pairs(floodcontrol) do if os.time() > v then floodcontrol[k] = nil end end end return { action = action, triggers = triggers, cron = cron }