local ibSearch = {} function ibSearch:init(config) ibSearch.triggers = { "^/(ibsearch) (.+)$", "^/(ibnsfw) (.+)$" } ibSearch.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[ibsearch* __: Sucht auf IbSear.ch mit diesen Tags ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[ibnsfw* __: Sucht auf IbSearch.xxx mit diesen Tags (NSFW) ]] end ibSearch.command = 'ibsearch ' local limit = 100 -- number of posts to return (higher = more choices for random, but longer load times, hard limit of 100 posts) function ibSearch:get_ibSearch_sfw(tag) local url = 'https://ibsear.ch/api/v1/images.json?q='..tag..'&limit='..limit..'&shuffle=20' local res, code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return end local data = json.decode(res) if not data then return end local i = math.random(#data) local url = 'https://'..data[i].server..'.ibsear.ch/'..data[i].path local resolution = data[i].width..'x'..data[i].height..'px' local size = ' '..math.ceil(data[i].size/1000) local source_url = '\nhttps://ibsear.ch/images/'..data[i].id local text = resolution..size..'kb'..source_url return url, size, text end function ibSearch:get_ibSearch_nsfw(tag) local url = 'https://ibsearch.xxx/api/v1/images.json?q='..tag..'&limit='..limit..'&shuffle=20' local res, code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return end local data = json.decode(res) if not data then return end local i = math.random(#data) local url = 'https://'..data[i].server..'.ibsearch.xxx/'..data[i].path local resolution = data[i].width..'x'..data[i].height..'px' local size = ' '..math.ceil(data[i].size/1000) local source_url = '\nhttps://ibsearch.xxx/images/'..data[i].id local text = resolution..size..'kb'..source_url return url, size, text end function ibSearch:action(msg, config, matches) local tag = string.gsub(matches[2], " ", '_') local tag = string.gsub(tag, ":", '%%3A') local tag = string.gsub(tag, "+", '%%20') if matches[1] == 'ibsearch' then url, size, text = ibSearch:get_ibSearch_sfw(tag) elseif matches[1] == 'ibnsfw' then url, size, text = ibSearch:get_ibSearch_nsfw(tag) end print('URL: '..url) -- don't send GIFs when they're bigger than 20 MB -- don't send photos when they're bigger than 5 MB if string.ends(url, ".gif") then if tonumber(size) > 19900 then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Sorry, die GIF ist zu groß.\n'..text) return end else if tonumber(size) > 4900 then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Sorry, das Bild ist zu groß.\n'..text) return end end if not url then utilities.send_reply(msg, 'Nobody here but us chickens!') return end utilities.send_typing(msg.chat.id, 'upload_photo') if string.ends(url, ".gif") then utilities.send_document(msg.chat.id, url, text, msg.message_id) else utilities.send_photo(msg.chat.id, url, text, msg.message_id) end end return ibSearch