local bitly_create = {} local http = require('socket.http') local https = require('ssl.https') local URL = require('socket.url') local json = require('dkjson') local utilities = require('otouto.utilities') local bindings = require('otouto.bindings') local OAuth = require "OAuth" local redis = (loadfile "./otouto/redis.lua")() function bitly_create:init(config) if not cred_data.bitly_client_id then print('Missing config value: bitly_client_id.') print('bitly_create.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.bitly_client_secret then print('Missing config value: bitly_client_secret.') print('bitly_create.lua will not be enabled.') return elseif not cred_data.bitly_redirect_uri then print('Missing config value: bitly_redirect_uri.') print('bitly_create.lua will not be enabled.') return end bitly_create.triggers = { "^/short(auth)(.+)$", "^/short (auth)$", "^/short (unauth)$", "^/short (me)$", "^/short (j.mp) (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)$", "^/short (bit.ly) (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)$", "^/short (bitly.com) (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)$", "^/short (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)$" } bitly_create.doc = [[* ]]..config.cmd_pat..[[short* __: Kürzt einen Link mit der Standard Bitly-Adresse *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[short* __ _[Link]_: Kürzt einen Link mit der ausgewählten Kurz-URL *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[short* _auth_: Loggt deinen Account ein und nutzt ihn für deine Links (empfohlen!) *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[short* _me_: Gibt den eingeloggten Account aus *]]..config.cmd_pat..[[short* _unauth_: Loggt deinen Account aus ]] end bitly_create.command = 'short ' local BASE_URL = 'https://api-ssl.bitly.com' local client_id = cred_data.bitly_client_id local client_secret = cred_data.bitly_client_secret local redirect_uri = cred_data.bitly_redirect_uri function bitly_create:get_bitly_access_token(hash, code) local req = post_petition(BASE_URL..'/oauth/access_token', 'client_id='..client_id..'&client_secret='..client_secret..'&code='..code..'&redirect_uri='..redirect_uri) if not req.access_token then return '*Fehler beim Einloggen!*' end local access_token = req.access_token local login_name = req.login redis:hset(hash, 'bitly', access_token) return 'Erfolgreich als `'..login_name..'` eingeloggt!' end function bitly_create:get_bitly_user_info(bitly_access_token) local url = BASE_URL..'/v3/user/info?access_token='..bitly_access_token..'&format=json' local res,code = https.request(url) if code == 401 then return 'Login fehlgeschlagen!' end if code ~= 200 then return 'HTTP-Fehler!' end local data = json.decode(res).data if data.full_name then name = '*'..data.full_name..'* (`'..data.login..'`)' else name = '`'..data.login..'`' end local text = 'Eingeloggt als '..name return text end function bitly_create:create_bitlink (long_url, domain, bitly_access_atoken) local url = BASE_URL..'/v3/shorten?access_token='..bitly_access_token..'&domain='..domain..'&longUrl='..long_url..'&format=txt' local text,code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return 'FEHLER: '..text end return text end function bitly_create:action(msg, config, matches) local hash = 'user:'..msg.from.id bitly_access_token = redis:hget(hash, 'bitly') if matches[1] == 'auth' and matches[2] then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, bitly_create:get_bitly_access_token(hash, matches[2]), true) local message_id = redis:hget(hash, 'bitly_login_msg') utilities.edit_message(self, msg.chat.id, message_id, '*Anmeldung abgeschlossen!*', true, true) redis:hdel(hash, 'bitly_login_msg') return end if matches[1] == 'auth' then local result = utilities.send_reply(self, msg, '*Bitte logge dich ein und folge den Anweisungen.*', true, '{"inline_keyboard":[[{"text":"Bei Bitly anmelden","url":"https://bitly.com/oauth/authorize?client_id='..client_id..'&redirect_uri='..redirect_uri..'&state='..self.info.username..'"}]]}') redis:hset(hash, 'bitly_login_msg', result.result.message_id) return end if matches[1] == 'unauth' and bitly_access_token then redis:hdel(hash, 'bitly') utilities.send_reply(self, msg, '*Erfolgreich ausgeloggt!* Du kannst den Zugriff [in deinen Kontoeinstellungen](https://bitly.com/a/settings/connected) endgültig entziehen.', true) return elseif matches[1] == 'unauth' and not bitly_access_token then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Wie willst du dich ausloggen, wenn du gar nicht eingeloggt bist?', true) return end if matches[1] == 'me' and bitly_access_token then local text = bitly_create:get_bitly_user_info(bitly_access_token) if text then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, text, true) return else return end elseif matches[1] == 'me' and not bitly_access_token then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Du bist nicht eingeloggt! Logge dich ein mit\n/short auth', true) return end if not bitly_access_token then print('Not signed in, will use global bitly access_token') bitly_access_token = cred_data.bitly_access_token end if matches[2] == nil then long_url = url_encode(matches[1]) domain = 'bit.ly' else long_url = url_encode(matches[2]) domain = matches[1] end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, bitly_create:create_bitlink(long_url, domain, bitly_access_token)) return end return bitly_create