--[[ administration.lua Version 1.1 Part of the otouto project. © 2016 topkecleon GNU General Public License, version 2 This plugin provides self-hosted, single-realm group administration. It requires tg (http://github.com/vysheng/tg) with supergroup support. For more documentation, view the readme or the manual (otou.to/rtfm). Important notices about updates will be here! Remember to load this before blacklist.lua. The global banlist has been merged with the blacklist. This merge will occur automatically on versions 1.1 and 1.2. ]]-- -- Build the administration db if nonexistent. if not database.administration then database.administration = { global = { admins = {} } } end -- Create the blacklist db if nonexistant. database.blacklist = database.blacklist or {} -- Migration code: Remove this in v1.3. -- Global ban list has been merged with blacklist. if database.administration.global.bans then for k in pairs(database.administration.global.bans) do database.blacklist[k] = true end database.administration.global.bans = nil end local sender = dofile('lua-tg/sender.lua') tg = sender(localhost, config.cli_port) local last_admin_cron = os.date('%M', os.time()) local flags = { [1] = { name = 'unlisted', desc = 'Removes this group from the group listing.', enabled = 'This group is no longer listed in /groups.', disabled = 'This group is now listed in /groups.' }, [2] = { name = 'antisquig', desc = 'Automatically removes users who post Arabic script or RTL characters.', enabled = 'Users will now be removed automatically for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters.', disabled = 'Users will no longer be removed automatically for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters..', kicked = 'You were kicked from GROUPNAME for posting Arabic script and/or RTL characters.' }, [3] = { name = 'antisquig Strict', desc = 'Automatically removes users whose names contain Arabic script or RTL characters.', enabled = 'Users whose names contain Arabic script and/or RTL characters will now be removed automatically.', disabled = 'Users whose names contain Arabic script and/or RTL characters will no longer be removed automatically.', kicked = 'You were kicked from GROUPNAME for having a name which contains Arabic script and/or RTL characters.' }, [4] = { name = 'antibot', desc = 'Prevents the addition of bots by non-moderators. Only useful in non-supergroups.', enabled = 'Non-moderators will no longer be able to add bots.', disabled = 'Non-moderators will now be able to add bots.' } } local ranks = { [0] = 'Banned', [1] = 'Users', [2] = 'Moderators', [3] = 'Governors', [4] = 'Administrators', [5] = 'Owner' } local get_rank = function(target, chat) target = tostring(target) if chat then chat = tostring(chat) end if tonumber(target) == config.admin or tonumber(target) == bot.id then return 5 end if database.administration.global.admins[target] then return 4 end if chat and database.administration[chat] then if database.administration[chat].govs[target] then return 3 elseif database.administration[chat].mods[target] then return 2 elseif database.administration[chat].bans[target] then return 0 end end if database.blacklist[target] then return 0 end return 1 end local get_target = function(msg) local target = {} if msg.reply_to_message then target.id = msg.reply_to_message.from.id target.name = msg.reply_to_message.from.first_name if msg.reply_to_message.from.last_name then target.name = target.name .. ' ' .. msg.reply_to_message.from.last_name end else target.name = 'User' local input = get_word(msg.text, 2) if not input then target.err = 'Please provide a username or ID.' else target.id = resolve_username(input) if target.id == nil then target.err = 'Sorry, I do not recognize that username.' elseif target.id == false then target.err = 'Invalid ID or username.' end end end if target.id then target.id_str = tostring(target.id) target.rank = get_rank(target.id, msg.chat.id) end return target end local kick_user = function(target, chat) target = tonumber(target) chat = tostring(chat) if database.administration[chat].grouptype == 'group' then tg:chat_del_user(tonumber(chat), target) else tg:channel_kick(chat, target) end end local get_photo = function(chat) local filename = tg:load_chat_photo(chat) if filename:find('FAIL') then print('Error downloading photo for group ' .. chat .. '.') return end filename = filename:gsub('Saved to ', '') return filename end local get_desc = function(chat_id) local group = database.administration[tostring(chat_id)] local output if group.link then output = '*Welcome to* [' .. group.name .. '](' .. group.link .. ')*!*' else output = '*Welcome to* _' .. group.name .. '_*!*' end if group.motd then output = output .. '\n\n*Message of the Day:*\n' .. group.motd end if group.rules then output = output .. '\n\n*Rules:*\n' .. group.rules end return output end local commands = { { -- antisquig triggers = { '[\216-\219][\128-\191]', -- arabic '‮' -- rtl }, privilege = 0, interior = true, action = function(msg) if get_rank(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) > 1 then return true end if not database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].flags[2] == true then return true end kick_user(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.from.id, flags[2].kicked:gsub('GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title)) end }, { -- generic triggers = { '' }, privilege = 0, interior = true, action = function(msg) local rank = get_rank(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) local group = database.administration[msg.chat.id_str] -- banned if rank == 0 then kick_user(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.from.id, 'Sorry, you are banned from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.') return end if rank < 2 then -- antisquig Strict if group.flags[3] == true then if msg.from.name:match('[\216-\219][\128-\191]') or msg.from.name:match('‮') then kick_user(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.from.id, flags[3].kicked:gsub('GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title)) return end end end if msg.new_chat_participant then msg.new_chat_participant.name = msg.new_chat_participant.first_name if msg.new_chat_participant.last_name then msg.new_chat_participant.name = msg.new_chat_participant.first_name .. ' ' .. msg.new_chat_participant.last_name end -- banned if get_rank(msg.new_chat_participant.id, msg.chat.id) == 0 then kick_user(msg.new_chat_participant.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.new_chat_participant.id, 'Sorry, you are banned from ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.') return end -- antisquig Strict if group.flags[3] == true then if msg.new_chat_participant.name:match('[\216-\219][\128-\191]') or msg.new_chat_participant.name:match('‮') then kick_user(msg.new_chat_participant.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.new_chat_participant.id, flags[3].kicked:gsub('GROUPNAME', msg.chat.title)) return end end -- antibot if msg.new_chat_participant.username and msg.new_chat_participant.username:match('bot$') then if rank < 2 and group.flags[4] == true then kick_user(msg.new_chat_participant.id, msg.chat.id) return end else local output = get_desc(msg.chat.id) if not sendMessage(msg.new_chat_participant.id, output, true, nil, true) then sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end return end elseif msg.new_chat_title then if rank < 3 then tg:rename_chat(msg.chat.id, group.name) else group.name = msg.new_chat_title end return elseif msg.new_chat_photo then if group.grouptype == 'group' then if rank < 3 then tg:chat_set_photo(msg.chat.id, group.photo) else group.photo = get_photo(msg.chat.id) end end return elseif msg.delete_chat_photo then if group.grouptype == 'group' then if rank < 3 then tg:chat_set_photo(msg.chat.id, group.photo) else group.photo = nil end end return end return true end }, { -- groups triggers = { '^/groups[@'..bot.username..']*$', '^/glist[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'groups', privilege = 1, interior = false, action = function(msg) local output = '' for k,v in pairs(database.administration) do -- no "global" or unlisted groups if tonumber(k) and not v.flags[1] then if v.link then output = output .. '• [' .. v.name .. '](' .. v.link .. ')\n' else output = output .. '• ' .. v.name .. '\n' end end end if output == '' then output = 'There are currently no listed groups.' else output = '*Groups:*\n' .. output end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- ahelp triggers = { '^/ahelp[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'ahelp', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) sendMessage(msg.chat.id, database.administration.global.help, true, nil, true) end }, { -- alist triggers = { '^/alist[@'..bot.username..']*$', '^/ops[@'..bot.username..']*$', '^/oplist[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'ops', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) local modstring = '' for k,v in pairs(database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].mods) do modstring = modstring .. '• ' .. v .. ' (' .. k .. ')\n' end if modstring ~= '' then modstring = '*Moderators for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. modstring end local govstring = '' for k,v in pairs(database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].govs) do govstring = govstring .. '• ' .. v .. ' (' .. k .. ')\n' end if govstring ~= '' then govstring = '*Governors for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. govstring end local adminstring = '*Administrators:*\n• ' .. config.admin_name .. ' (' .. config.admin .. ')\n' for k,v in pairs(database.administration.global.admins) do adminstring = adminstring .. '• ' .. v .. ' (' .. k .. ')\n' end local output = modstring .. govstring .. adminstring sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- desc triggers = { '^/desc[@'..bot.username..']*$', '^/description[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'description', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) local output = get_desc(msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- rules triggers = { '^/rules[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'rules', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) local output = 'No rules have been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].rules then output = '*Rules for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].rules end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- motd triggers = { '^/motd[@'..bot.username..']*', '^/description[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'motd', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) local output = 'No MOTD has been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].motd then output = '*MOTD for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].motd end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- link triggers = { '^/link[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'link', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) local output = 'No link has been set for ' .. msg.chat.title .. '.' if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].link then output = '[' .. msg.chat.title .. '](' .. database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].link .. ')' end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- kickme triggers = { '^/leave[@'..bot.username..']*', '^/kickme[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'leave', privilege = 1, interior = true, action = function(msg) if get_rank(msg.from.id) == 5 then local output = 'I can\'t let you do that, ' .. msg.from.first_name .. '.' sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) elseif msg.chat.type == 'supergroup' then local output = 'Leave this group manually or you will be unable to rejoin.' sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) else kick_user(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) end end }, { -- kick triggers = { '^/kick[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'kick ', privilege = 2, interior = true, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return elseif target.rank > 1 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be kicked: Too privileged.') return end kick_user(target.id, msg.chat.id) sendMessage(msg.chat.id, target.name .. ' has been kicked.') end }, { -- ban triggers = { '^/ban[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'ban ', privilege = 2, interior = true, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if target.rank > 1 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be banned: Too privileged.') return end if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].bans[target.id_str] then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is already banned.') return end kick_user(target.id, msg.chat.id) database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].bans[target.id_str] = true sendMessage(msg.chat.id, target.name .. ' has been banned.') end }, { -- unban triggers = { '^/unban[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'unban ', privilege = 2, interior = true, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if not database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].bans[target.id_str] then if database.blacklist[target.id_str] then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is banned globally.') else sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is not banned.') end return end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].bans[target.id_str] = nil sendMessage(msg.chat.id, target.name .. ' has been unbanned.') end }, { -- setrules triggers = { '^/setrules[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'setrules \\n \\[rule2] ...', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:match('^/setrules[@'..bot.username..']*(.+)') if not input then sendReply(msg, '/setrules [rule]\n\n[rule]\n...') return end input = input:trim() .. '\n' local output = '' local i = 0 for m in input:gmatch('(.-)\n') do i = i + 1 output = output .. '*' .. i .. '.* ' .. m:trim() .. '\n' end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].rules = output output = '*Rules for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. output sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- setmotd triggers = { '^/setmotd[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'setmotd ', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:input() if not input then sendReply(msg, '/' .. command) return end input = input:trim() database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].motd = input local output = '*MOTD for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' .. input sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- setlink triggers = { '^/setlink[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'setlink ', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:input() if not input then sendReply(msg, '/' .. command) return end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].link = input local output = '[' .. msg.chat.title .. '](' .. input .. ')' sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) end }, { -- flags triggers = { '^/flags?[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'flag ', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:input() if input then input = get_word(input, 1) input = tonumber(input) if not input or not flags[input] then input = false end end if not input then local output = '*Flags for* _' .. msg.chat.title .. '_ *:*\n' for i,v in ipairs(flags) do local status = database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].flags[i] or false output = output .. '`[' .. i .. ']` *' .. v.name .. '* = `' .. tostring(status) .. '`\n• ' .. v.desc .. '\n' end sendMessage(msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) return end local output if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].flags[input] == true then database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].flags[input] = false sendReply(msg, flags[input].disabled) else database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].flags[input] = true sendReply(msg, flags[input].enabled) end end }, { -- mod triggers = { '^/mod[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'mod ', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) if not msg.reply_to_message then sendReply(msg, 'This command must be run via reply.') return end local target = get_target(msg) if target.rank > 1 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be promoted: Already privileged.') return end if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].grouptype == 'supergroup' then tg:channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target, 1) end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].mods[target.id_str] = target.name sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is now a moderator.') end }, { -- demod triggers = { '^/demod[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'demod ', privilege = 3, interior = true, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if target.rank ~= 2 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is not a moderator.') return end if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].grouptype == 'supergroup' then tg:channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target, 0) end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].mods[target.id_str] = nil sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is no longer a moderator.') end }, { -- gov triggers = { '^/gov[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'gov ', privilege = 4, interior = true, action = function(msg) if not msg.reply_to_message then sendReply(msg, 'This command must be run via reply.') return end local target = get_target(msg) if target.rank > 2 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be promoted: Already privileged.') return elseif target.rank == 2 then database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].mods[target.id_str] = nil end if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].grouptype == 'supergroup' then tg:channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target, 1) end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].govs[target.id_str] = target.name sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is now a governor.') end }, { --degov triggers = { '^/degov[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'degov ', privilege = 4, interior = true, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if target.rank ~= 3 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is not a governor.') return end if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].grouptype == 'supergroup' then tg:channel_set_admin(msg.chat.id, target, 0) end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].govs[target.id_str] = nil sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is no longer a governor.') end }, { -- hammer triggers = { '^/hammer[@'..bot.username..']*', '^/banall[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'hammer ', privilege = 4, interior = false, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if target.rank > 3 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be banned: Too privileged.') return end if database.blacklist[target.id_str] then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is already banned globally.') return end for k,v in pairs(database.administration) do if tonumber(k) then kick_user(target.id, k) end end database.blacklist[target.id_str] = true sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' has been globally banned.') end }, { -- unhammer triggers = { '^/unhammer[@'..bot.username..']*', '^/unbanall[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'unhammer ', privilege = 4, interior = false, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.err then sendReply(msg, target.err) return end if not database.blacklist[target.id_str] then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is not banned globally.') return end database.blacklist[target.id_str] = nil sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' has been globally unbanned.') end }, { -- admin triggers = { '^/admin[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'admin ', privilege = 5, interior = false, action = function(msg) if not msg.reply_to_message then sendReply(msg, 'This command must be run via reply.') return end local target = get_target(msg) if target.rank > 3 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' cannot be promoted: Already privileged.') return elseif target.rank == 2 then database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].mods[target.id_str] = nil elseif target.rank == 3 then database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].govs[target.id_str] = nil end database.administration.global.admins[target.id_str] = target.name sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is now an administrator.') end }, { -- deadmin triggers = { '^/deadmin[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'deadmin ', privilege = 5, interior = false, action = function(msg) local target = get_target(msg) if target.rank ~= 4 then sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is not an administrator.') return end database.administration.global.admins[target.id_str] = nil sendReply(msg, target.name .. ' is no longer an administrator.') end }, { -- gadd triggers = { '^/gadd[@'..bot.username..']*$' }, command = 'gadd', privilege = 5, interior = false, action = function(msg) if database.administration[msg.chat.id_str] then sendReply(msg, 'I am already administrating this group.') return end database.administration[msg.chat.id_str] = { mods = {}, govs = {}, bans = {}, flags = {}, grouptype = msg.chat.type, name = msg.chat.title, founded = os.time() } if msg.chat.type == 'group' then database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].photo = get_photo(msg.chat.id) database.administration[msg.chat.id_str].link = tg:export_chat_link(msg.chat.id) end sendReply(msg, 'I am now administrating this group.') end }, { -- grem triggers = { '^/grem[@'..bot.username..']*', '^/gremove[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'gremove \\[chat]', privilege = 5, interior = true, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:input() if not input then input = msg.chat.id_str end database.administration[input] = nil sendReply(msg, 'I am no longer administrating this group.') end }, { -- broadcast triggers = { '^/broadcast[@'..bot.username..']*' }, command = 'broadcast ', privilege = 5, interior = false, action = function(msg) local input = msg.text:input() if not input then sendReply(msg, 'Give me something to broadcast.') return end input = '*Admin Broadcast:*\n' .. input for k,v in pairs(database.administration) do if tonumber(k) then sendMessage(k, input, true, nil, true) end end end } } -- Generate trigger table. local triggers = {} for i,v in ipairs(commands) do for key,val in pairs(v.triggers) do table.insert(triggers, val) end end -- Generate help text, and store it so we don't have to use a global variable. local help_text = '' for i = 1, 5 do help_text = help_text .. '*' .. ranks[i] .. ':*\n' for k,v in pairs(commands) do if v.privilege == i and v.command then help_text = help_text .. '• /' .. v.command .. '\n' end end end database.administration.global.help = help_text local action = function(msg) -- wee nesting for i,v in ipairs(commands) do for key,val in pairs(v.triggers) do if msg.text_lower:match(val) then if v.interior and not database.administration[msg.chat.id_str] then break end if msg.chat.type ~= 'private' and get_rank(msg.from.id, msg.chat.id) < v.privilege then break end local res = v.action(msg) if res ~= true then return res end end end end return true end local cron = function() if os.date('%M', os.time()) ~= last_admin_cron then last_admin_cron = os.date('%M', os.time()) tg = sender(localhost, config.cli_port) end end local command = 'groups' local doc = '`Returns a list of administrated groups.\nUse /ahelp for more administrative commands.`' return { action = action, triggers = triggers, cron = cron, doc = doc, command = command }